Comparative and Superlative Adjectives in German
This section explains comparative and superlative adjectives in German and includes tips for students studying foundation and higher tiers.
Introduction to Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
In German, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives are used to compare things or express the highest degree of a quality. They are similar to English comparative and superlative adjectives, but in German, there are specific rules for their formation.
- Comparative Adjectives are used to compare two things (e.g., better, faster).
- Superlative Adjectives are used to describe the highest or lowest degree of a quality (e.g., the best, the most beautiful).
Forming the Comparative
To form the comparative of adjectives in German, you usually add -er to the adjective. However, there are some spelling changes and exceptions that you need to be aware of.
Regular Comparatives
- For most adjectives, add -er.
- schnell (fast) → schneller (faster)
- gut (good) → besser (better)
- hoch (high) → höher (higher)
- klug (clever) → klüger (cleverer)
- Mein Bruder ist schneller als ich. = My brother is faster than I am.
- Dieses Buch ist besser als das andere. = This book is better than the other one.
Spelling Changes in the Comparative
- If an adjective ends in -el or -er, the -e is dropped before adding -er.
- teuer (expensive) → teurer (more expensive)
- hell (bright) → heller (brighter)
- dunkel (dark) → dunkler (darker)
- Der Film war teurer als der letzte. = The film was more expensive than the last one.
- Es ist heller als gestern. = It is brighter than yesterday.
Vowel Changes in the Comparative
Some adjectives have a vowel change when forming the comparative.
- alt (old) → älter (older)
- jung (young) → jünger (younger)
- arm (poor) → ärmer (poorer)
- Mein Hund ist älter als deiner. = My dog is older than yours.
- Sie ist jünger als ihre Schwester. = She is younger than her sister.
Forming the Superlative
To form the superlative in German, you usually add am before the adjective and -sten (or -esten) at the end of the adjective.
Regular Superlatives
- For most adjectives, use am + -sten.
- schnell (fast) → am schnellsten (the fastest)
- gut (good) → am besten (the best)
- hoch (high) → am höchsten (the highest)
- Er läuft am schnellsten. = He runs the fastest.
- Das ist am besten. = That is the best.
Adjectives ending in -el or -er
For adjectives ending in -el or -er, use am + -sten (like in the comparative).
- teuer (expensive) → am teuersten (the most expensive)
- hell (bright) → am hellsten (the brightest)
- dunkel (dark) → am dunkelsten (the darkest)
- Das Hotel ist am teuersten. = The hotel is the most expensive.
- Es ist am hellsten hier. = It is the brightest here.
Adjectives with vowel changes (like "alt", "jung")
For adjectives with vowel changes, the superlative is also formed with am + -sten.
- alt (old) → am ältesten (the oldest)
- jung (young) → am jüngsten (the youngest)
- arm (poor) → amärmsten (the poorest)
- Er ist am ältesten in der Klasse. = He is the oldest in the class.
- Sie ist am jüngsten von allen. = She is the youngest of all.
Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives
Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms. These adjectives do not follow the regular rules, so you must memorise them.
- gut (good) → besser (better) → am besten (the best)
- viel (much, many) → mehr (more) → am meisten (the most)
- hoch (high) → höher (higher) → am höchsten (the highest)
- gering (small) → geringer (smaller) → am geringsten (the smallest)
- Ich finde dieses Hotel besser. = I find this hotel better.
- Er hat am meisten Geld. = He has the most money.
Position of Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Comparative and superlative adjectives are usually placed before the noun, just like regular adjectives. However, in certain cases, they can appear after the verb, especially in sentences with the verb sein (to be).
- Comparative:
- Der Hund ist schneller als die Katze. = The dog is faster than the cat.
- Ihr Auto ist teurer als mein Auto. = Her car is more expensive than my car.
- Superlative:
- Das ist das beste Buch. = This is the best book.
- Er ist der älteste in der Klasse. = He is the oldest in the class.
Higher Tier: Using Comparative and Superlative Adjectives in Complex Sentences
In higher-tier German, you might need to use comparative and superlative adjectives in more complex structures, such as when comparing more than two things or adding emphasis.
- More than two things:
- Diese drei Hotels sind alle teuer, aber das Hotel am Meer ist am teuersten. = These three hotels are all expensive, but the hotel by the sea is the most expensive.
- Emphasising the comparison:
- Mein Haus ist viel größer als deins. = My house is much bigger than yours.
- Comparative adjectives are formed by adding -er to the adjective (e.g., schneller = faster).
- Superlative adjectives are formed with am + -sten or -esten (e.g., am schnellsten = the fastest).
- Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms (e.g., gut → besser → am besten).
- The position of comparative and superlative adjectives is usually before the noun, but they can also follow verbs like sein.