Quantifiers, Intensifiers, and Adverbs of Time and Place in German

This section explains quantifiers, intensifiers and adverbs of time and place in German and includes tips for students studying foundation and higher tiers.

Introduction to Quantifiers, Intensifiers, and Adverbs

In German, quantifiers, intensifiers, and adverbs help provide more detail and depth to your sentences, whether it's describing the amount of something, the intensity, or when and where an action takes place.

  • Quantifiers describe the amount or quantity of something.
  • Intensifiers describe the intensity of an adjective or adverb.
  • Adverbs of Time and Place specify when or where something happens.

These elements are essential for expressing yourself more clearly and accurately in German.


Quantifiers give information about the quantity of something. They can express a large or small amount and include words like viel (a lot), wenig (little), alle (all), and einige (some).

Common Quantifiers:

A lot ofvielIch habe viel Zeit.I have a lot of time.
LittlewenigIch habe wenig Geld.I have little money.
AllalleAlle sind müde.All are tired.
SomeeinigeEinige Leute sind gekommen.Some people have arrived.
Everyjeder, jede, jedesJeder Student ist hier.Every student is here.
Nonekein, keine, keineKeine Fragen, bitte!No questions, please!
MoremehrIch möchte mehr essen.I would like more to eat.
Mostdie meistenDie meisten Schüler sind da.Most students are here.

Examples with Quantifiers:

  • Ich habe viel Hausaufgaben. = I have a lot of homework.
  • Alle meine Freunde kommen. = All my friends are coming.
  • Wir haben wenig Zeit. = We have little time.
  • Es gibt einige interessante Bücher. = There are some interesting books.


Intensifiers make adjectives or adverbs stronger. They emphasise the meaning of a word. Common intensifiers in German include sehr (very), ziemlich (quite), extrem (extremely), and unglaublich (incredibly).

Common Intensifiers:

VerysehrEr ist sehr nett.He is very nice.
QuiteziemlichDas Wetter ist ziemlich gut.The weather is quite good.
ExtremelyextremEs ist extrem kalt.It is extremely cold.
IncrediblyunglaublichDas war unglaublich spannend.That was incredibly exciting.
ReallywirklichDer Film war wirklich gut.The film was really good.

Examples with Intensifiers:

  • Der Film war sehr spannend. = The film was very exciting.
  • Es ist ziemlich heiß heute. = It is quite hot today.
  • Sie ist unglaublich freundlich. = She is incredibly friendly.
  • Der Test war extrem schwierig. = The test was extremely difficult.

Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of time tell when an action takes place. These are essential for giving context about the timing of events. Common adverbs of time include jetzt (now), morgen (tomorrow), heute (today), gestern (yesterday), and bald (soon).

Common Adverbs of Time:

NowjetztIch muss jetzt gehen.I have to go now.
TomorrowmorgenWir fahren morgen nach Berlin.We are going to Berlin tomorrow.
TodayheuteHeute ist ein schöner Tag.Today is a beautiful day.
YesterdaygesternGestern habe ich viel gelernt.I studied a lot yesterday.
SoonbaldIch werde bald kommen.I will come soon.
Latelyin letzter ZeitIn letzter Zeit habe ich viel gearbeitet.Lately, I have worked a lot.
AlwaysimmerEr ist immer pünktlich.He is always punctual.

Examples with Adverbs of Time:

  • Ich werde morgen arbeiten. = I will work tomorrow.
  • Heute haben wir keine Schule. = Today, we have no school.
  • Gestern war das Wetter schlecht. = Yesterday, the weather was bad.
  • Wir gehen bald ins Kino. = We will go to the cinema soon.

Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place tell us where an action takes place. These include words like hier (here), dort (there), überall (everywhere), and nirgendwo (nowhere).

Common Adverbs of Place:

HerehierEr ist hier.He is here.
TheredortSie arbeitet dort.She works there.
EverywhereüberallÜberall gibt es Blumen.There are flowers everywhere.
NowherenirgendwoNirgendwo habe ich das gefunden.I found it nowhere.
NearnaheDie Schule ist nahe.The school is near.
FarweitMein Haus ist weit von hier.My house is far from here.

Examples with Adverbs of Place:

  • Wir sind hier. = We are here.
  • Der Hund schläft dort. = The dog is sleeping there.
  • Überall sind Kinder im Park. = Everywhere, there are children in the park.
  • Ich habe es nirgendwo gefunden. = I found it nowhere.

Combining Quantifiers, Intensifiers, and Adverbs

Higher-tier students should be able to use quantifiers, intensifiers, and adverbs together in sentences to create more complex structures.

Example Sentences:

  • Viel zu tun und extrem wenig Zeit! = A lot to do and extremely little time!
  • Jeder ist heute sehr aufgeregt. = Everyone is very excited today.
  • Unsere Freunde kommen bald und wir haben einige Geschenke für sie. = Our friends are coming soon and we have some gifts for them.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Mengenangaben = Quantifiers
  • Steigerung der Intensität = Intensifiers
  • Adverbien der Zeit = Adverbs of Time
  • Adverbien der Ort = Adverbs of Place


  • Quantifiers: Describe the amount of something (e.g., viel = a lot, wenig = little, alle = all, einige = some).
  • Intensifiers: Make adjectives or adverbs stronger (e.g., sehr = very, ziemlich = quite, extrem = extremely, unglaublich = incredibly).
  • Adverbs of Time: Specify when something happens (e.g., jetzt = now, morgen = tomorrow, heute = today, gestern = yesterday).
  • Adverbs of Place: Specify where something happens (e.g., hier = here, dort = there, überall = everywhere, nirgendwo = nowhere).

These language tools are crucial for expressing time, place, intensity, and quantity accurately, making your German more descriptive and expressive.

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