Personal Pronouns in German

This section explains Personal Pronouns in German in the future tense. The future tense in German (Futur I) is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. It is formed by using the present tense of the verb werden (to become), followed by the infinitive form of the main verb.

In the first step, you need to be familiar with the personal pronouns in German because they determine the conjugation of werden.

Personal Pronouns in German

Personal pronouns are words that replace nouns and indicate who is performing the action. The following is a list of the personal pronouns in German:

Personal PronounGermanEnglish
DuduYou (informal singular)
IhrihrYou (informal plural)
Sie/siesie/SieThey/You (formal)

Forming the Future Tense with "werden"

In the future tense, the verb werden is conjugated according to the personal pronoun, and it is followed by the infinitive form of the main verb.

Conjugation of "werden" in the Present Tense (used for future tense)

Personal Pronounwerden (to become) – Present TenseEnglish Translation
IchwerdeI will
DuwirstYou will (informal singular)
Er/sie/eswirdHe/she/it will
WirwerdenWe will
IhrwerdetYou will (informal plural)
Sie/siewerdenThey/you (formal) will

Step One – Conjugating "werden" with Personal Pronouns

Before forming the future tense, you need to conjugate werden based on the subject (personal pronoun) of the sentence. Here is how werden is conjugated:

Example Sentences Using Personal Pronouns and "werden":

  • Ich werde lernen.
    (I will learn.)
  • Du wirst ins Kino gehen.
    (You will go to the cinema.)
  • Er wird morgen arbeiten.
    (He will work tomorrow.)
  • Wir werden im Sommer Urlaub machen.
    (We will go on holiday in the summer.)
  • Ihr werdet bald kommen.
    (You will come soon.)
  • Sie werden ein neues Auto kaufen.
    (They/You (formal) will buy a new car.)

Key Points for the Future Tense:

  • The future tense is formed with the present tense of werden + the infinitive form of the main verb.
  • werden is conjugated according to the personal pronoun in the sentence.

Ich werde arbeiten. (I will work.)

Foundation Tier Example Sentences:

  • Ich werde morgen schwimmen.
    (I will swim tomorrow.)
  • Du wirst bald sehen.
    (You will see soon.)
  • Er wird eine Torte backen.
    (He will bake a cake.)
  • Wir werden den Film sehen.
    (We will watch the film.)

Higher Tier Example Sentences:

  • Ich werde nächsten Monat nach Berlin fahren.
    (I will travel to Berlin next month.)
  • Du wirst hoffentlich das Spiel gewinnen.
    (You will hopefully win the game.)
  • Sie wird morgen eine Präsentation halten.
    (She will give a presentation tomorrow.)
  • Wir werden eine lange Reise machen.
    (We will go on a long trip.)
  • Ihr werdet bald verstehen, wie man es macht.
    (You (plural) will soon understand how to do it.)
  • Sie werden in einem Hotel übernachten.
    (They/You (formal) will stay in a hotel.)


  • The future tense (Futur I) is formed by using the present tense of the verb werden and the infinitive of the main verb.
  • The conjugation of werden depends on the personal pronoun (subject) of the sentence.
  • The structure for the future tense is: Personal Pronoun + conjugated form of werden + infinitive verb.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Future tense: Futur I
  • To become: werden
  • I will: Ich werde
  • You will: Du wirst
  • He will: Er wird
  • We will: Wir werden
  • They will: Sie werden
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