Phrases to Express the Future in German

This section explains Phrases to Express the Future in German. In German, there are various ways to express future actions, beyond using the future tense (Futur I) formed with werden. These expressions can be used to describe plans, predictions, or things that are expected to happen.

Some of these phrases are commonly used in spoken and written German, especially when we want to refer to the future in a less formal or more natural way. Below are a few of these expressions, along with examples of how to use them in sentences.

Using the Future Tense (Futur I) with "werden"

The most direct way to express the future is by using the future tense (Futur I). This is the structure we’ve already covered: conjugating werden (to become) + the infinitive of the main verb.

Personal Pronoun + conjugated form of "werden" + infinitive of main verb.

Example Sentences:

  • Ich werde morgen ins Kino gehen.
    (I will go to the cinema tomorrow.)
  • Sie wird nächste Woche einen Film drehen.
    (She will make a film next week.)
  • Wir werden im Sommer Urlaub machen.
    (We will go on holiday in the summer.)

Using the Present Tense for Future Actions

As mentioned previously, the present tense can also be used to talk about future actions, especially with time phrases like morgen (tomorrow) or nächste Woche (next week).

Personal Pronoun + present tense of verb + time phrase.

Example Sentences:

  • Morgen gehe ich schwimmen.
    (Tomorrow, I am going swimming.)
  • Nächste Woche fliege ich nach Spanien.
    (Next week, I am flying to Spain.)
  • Bald werden wir ein neues Haus kaufen.
    (Soon, we will buy a new house.)

Using "werden" + Infinitive (Future Intentions or Predictions)

Another way to talk about the future is by expressing intentions or predictions using werden + an infinitive verb.

werden + infinitive of the verb (no conjugation for the subject)

Example Sentences:

  • Ich werde ein neues Auto kaufen.
    (I will buy a new car.)
  • Er wird wahrscheinlich bald anrufen.
    (He will probably call soon.)
  • Sie wird in der Zukunft viele Reisen machen.
    (She will travel a lot in the future.)

Using "in" for Future Time Expressions

You can also use the preposition in followed by a time expression (e.g. in zwei Tagen – in two days, in einem Jahr – in one year) to talk about the future.

Verb + in + time expression

Example Sentences:

  • In zwei Tagen fahre ich nach Berlin.
    (In two days, I will go to Berlin.)
  • In einem Jahr werde ich die Universität besuchen.
    (In one year, I will attend university.)

Using "bald" and "nächste Woche" to Express Future

Words like bald (soon) and nächste Woche (next week) can be used to indicate future events.

Verb + bald/nächste Woche + rest of sentence.

Example Sentences:

  • Ich werde bald mit meinen Freunden nach Paris reisen.
    (I will travel to Paris soon with my friends.)
  • Wir werden nächste Woche ein Konzert besuchen.
    (We will visit a concert next week.)

Using "gleich" to Express Something Happening Soon

Gleich (right away/soon) is often used to express actions that are about to happen in the near future.

Verb + gleich + rest of the sentence.

Example Sentences:

  • Ich werde gleich gehen.
    (I will go right now.)
  • Sie wird gleich anrufen.
    (She will call right away.)

Using "in der Zukunft" to Talk About the Future

To speak more generally about future actions or events, we use in der Zukunft (in the future). This is often used when talking about long-term plans or goals.

Verb + in der Zukunft + rest of the sentence.

Example Sentences:

  • In der Zukunft werde ich viel reisen.
    (In the future, I will travel a lot.)
  • In der Zukunft möchte ich als Lehrer arbeiten.
    (In the future, I would like to work as a teacher.)

Foundation Tier Example Sentences

  • Morgen werde ich meine Hausaufgaben machen.
    (Tomorrow, I will do my homework.)
  • Nächste Woche gehen wir ins Kino.
    (Next week, we are going to the cinema.)
  • Bald werde ich meine Familie besuchen.
    (Soon, I will visit my family.)
  • In zwei Tagen fahre ich nach Hamburg.
    (In two days, I am going to Hamburg.)

Higher Tier Example Sentences

  • In einem Jahr werde ich mein Studium abschließen.
    (In one year, I will finish my studies.)
  • Bald wird er ein neues Projekt beginnen.
    (Soon, he will begin a new project.)
  • In der Zukunft möchte ich in einem internationalen Unternehmen arbeiten.
    (In the future, I would like to work in an international company.)
  • Ich werde nächstes Jahr einen Job in London finden.
    (Next year, I will find a job in London.)


  • To express the future in German, you can use the future tense (Futur I) with werden + infinitive or other time expressions such as morgen, nächste Woche, and bald.
  • Other common phrases include in der Zukunft (in the future), gleich (soon), and in zwei Tagen (in two days), which give specific time references.
  • The present tense is also used with time phrases to express future actions, especially when plans or arrangements are already decided.
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