Present Tense with Time Phrases in German
This section explains The Future Tense with Present Tense and Time Phrases in German. In German, while the future tense (Futur I) is often used to describe actions that will happen in the future, it is also quite common to use the present tense to talk about the future, especially when time phrases are involved. These time phrases indicate that the action will take place at a specific time in the future, and using the present tense can make the future meaning clear.
Using the Present Tense for the Future
When we use the present tense to describe future actions, we usually include a time phrase (e.g. morgen – tomorrow, nächste Woche – next week) to show that the action will happen in the future. This is common in both spoken and written German.
Key Time Phrases for Future Actions
Here are some of the most commonly used time phrases that help indicate the future:
- morgen – tomorrow
- nächste Woche – next week
- in zwei Tagen – in two days
- übermorgen – the day after tomorrow
- bald – soon
- später – later
- nächstes Jahr – next year
- in der Zukunft – in the future
- am Wochenende – at the weekend
- in einem Monat – in one month
Examples Using the Present Tense with Time Phrases
Here is how the present tense can be used with time phrases to indicate future actions:
- Ich gehe morgen ins Kino.
(I am going to the cinema tomorrow.) - Du fährst nächste Woche nach Berlin.
(You are going to Berlin next week.) - Er arbeitet in zwei Tagen.
(He is working in two days.) - Wir treffen uns am Wochenende.
(We are meeting at the weekend.) - Sie kommt bald zurück.
(She is coming back soon.) - Ich besuche dich nächste Woche.
(I will visit you next week.) - In einem Monat fahre ich nach Spanien.
(In one month, I am going to Spain.) - Ihr fahrt übermorgen nach Hause.
(You (plural) are going home the day after tomorrow.)
Why Use the Present Tense for the Future?
In German, the present tense can indicate future actions, especially in the following contexts:
Fixed plans: When you are talking about plans or arrangements that are already set, you often use the present tense with a time phrase to express the future.
Example: Wir fliegen nächste Woche nach Italien.(We are flying to Italy next week.)
Time phrases: Using time phrases such as morgen, übermorgen, bald, etc., helps to clarify that the action is happening in the future.
Example: Sie fährt in zwei Tagen. (She is leaving in two days.)
Imminent events: When the event is very soon or just about to happen, the present tense is used to express future actions.
Example: Es regnet bald. (It is going to rain soon.)
Foundation Tier Examples
- Ich lerne morgen für die Prüfung.
(I am studying for the exam tomorrow.) - Du spielst am Samstag Fußball.
(You are playing football on Saturday.) - Wir gehen nächste Woche schwimmen.
(We are going swimming next week.) - Sie fährt in einem Monat nach Paris.
(She is going to Paris in one month.)
Higher Tier Examples
- Ich treffe meine Freunde nächste Woche im Café.
(I am meeting my friends in the café next week.) - Wir fahren übermorgen nach Berlin, um das Museum zu besuchen.
(We are going to Berlin the day after tomorrow to visit the museum.) - Ihr werdet morgen eine wichtige Präsentation halten.
(You (plural) will give an important presentation tomorrow.) - In zwei Wochen mache ich eine Reise nach Griechenland.
(In two weeks, I am going on a trip to Greece.) - Er kommt bald zurück aus dem Urlaub.
(He is coming back soon from holiday.)
- In German, the present tense can be used to describe future actions when combined with time phrases.
- Time phrases such as morgen, nächste Woche, and in zwei Tagen clearly indicate that the action will happen in the future.
- The present tense for the future is often used for fixed plans, arrangements, or events that will happen very soon.
- The structure is: Personal Pronoun + Conjugated Present Tense of the Verb + Time Phrase.
Key Vocabulary
- Tomorrow: morgen
- Next week: nächste Woche
- In two days: in zwei Tagen
- Soon: bald
- Later: später
- Next year: nächstes Jahr
- In the future: in der Zukunft