Imperfect Tense in German

This section explains The Imperfect Tense in German. The imperfect tense (Präteritum), also known as the simple past tense, is used to describe past actions, events, or states of being that occurred repeatedly or continuously in the past. This tense is especially common in written German, such as in books, newspapers, and formal writing, but can also appear in spoken language, particularly when telling stories.

Formation of the Imperfect Tense

To form the imperfect tense, you need to start with the stem of the verb and then add the appropriate endings.

There are two types of verbs:

  1. Regular verbs (weak verbs)
  2. Irregular verbs (strong verbs)

Regular Verbs (Weak Verbs) in the Imperfect Tense

For regular verbs, the formation of the imperfect tense is quite simple. You remove the -en from the infinitive and add the correct endings. The stem remains the same as in the present tense.

Imperfect Tense Endings for Regular Verbs:

PersonEndingExample: arbeiten (to work)
ich-teich arbeitete (I worked)
du-testdu arbeitetest (you worked)
er/sie/es-teer arbeitete (he worked)
wir-tenwir arbeiteten (we worked)
ihr-tetihr arbeitet (you worked)
sie/Sie-tensie arbeiteten (they worked)

Examples of Regular Verbs in the Imperfect Tense:

  • machen (to make/do) → ich machte (I did)
  • spielen (to play) → wir spielten (we played)
  • lernen (to learn) → er lernte (he learned)

Irregular Verbs (Strong Verbs) in the Imperfect Tense

For irregular verbs, the stem can change, and the endings are the same as for regular verbs. Irregular verbs tend to undergo a vowel change in the stem when forming the imperfect tense.

Imperfect Tense Endings for Irregular Verbs:

PersonEndingExample: fahren (to drive/go)
ich-ich fuhr (I drove)
du-stdu fuhrst (you drove)
er/sie/es-er fuhr (he drove)
wir-enwir fuhren (we drove)
ihr-tihr fuhrt (you drove)
sie/Sie-ensie fuhren (they drove)

Examples of Irregular Verbs in the Imperfect Tense:

  • sehen (to see) → ich sah (I saw)
  • essen (to eat) → wir aßen (we ate)
  • gehen (to go) → er ging (he went)
  • trinken (to drink) → sie tranken (they drank)

Common Irregular Verbs with Vowel Changes:

Many irregular verbs in the imperfect tense undergo vowel changes in the stem. These changes typically involve a shift in the vowel in the stem of the verb. Here are some common examples:

Vowel Change Examples:

  • fahren (to drive) → fuhr (drove)
  • sehen (to see) → sah (saw)
  • essen (to eat) → (ate)
  • lesen (to read) → las (read)
  • laufen (to run) → lief (ran)
  • geben (to give) → gab (gave)

Important Irregular Verbs in the Imperfect Tense

  • haben (to have) → ich hatte (I had)
  • sein (to be) → ich war (I was)
  • werden (to become) → ich wurde (I became)
  • können (can) → ich konnte (I could)
  • möchten (would like) → ich mochte (I would like)

Foundation Tier Examples:

  1. Regular Verb:
    • Ich spielte im Park.
      (I played in the park.)
  2. Irregular Verb:
    • Er sah einen Film.
      (He saw a film.)
  3. Negative Sentence:
    • Wir fuhren nicht nach Berlin.
      (We did not drive to Berlin.)
  4. Question:
    • Hast du gestern viel gearbeitet?
      (Did you work a lot yesterday?)

Higher Tier Examples:

  1. Regular Verb:
    • Ich lernte viele neue Wörter.
      (I learned many new words.)
  2. Irregular Verb:
    • Wir gingen nach Hause.
      (We went home.)
  3. Negative Sentence:
    • Sie tranken keinen Kaffee.
      (They did not drink coffee.)
  4. Question:
    • Habt ihr den Film gestern gesehen?
      (Did you watch the film yesterday?)


  • The imperfect tense (Präteritum) is used to talk about actions in the past, especially in written German.
  • For regular verbs, the stem is the same as in the present tense, and you add specific endings.
  • For irregular verbs, the stem changes (usually with a vowel change), and you add the same endings.
  • Common irregular verbs include haben (hatte), sein (war), sehen (sah), essen (aß), and many others.
  • The imperfect tense endings for both regular and irregular verbs are as follows:
PersonRegular EndingIrregular EndingExample (Regular)Example (Irregular)
ich-te-ich arbeitete (I worked)ich fuhr (I drove)
du-test-stdu arbeitest (you worked)du fuhrst (you drove)
er/sie/es-te-er arbeitete (he worked)er fuhr (he drove)
wir-ten-enwir arbeiteten (we worked)wir fuhren (we drove)
ihr-tet-tihr arbeitetet (you worked)ihr fuhrt (you drove)
sie/Sie-ten-ensie arbeiteten (they worked)sie fuhren (they drove)
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