Using the Prefixes 'da-' and 'dar-' in German

This section explains how to use the Prefixes 'da-' and 'dar-' in German and includes foundation and higher tier examples.

Introduction to Pronouns with 'da-' and 'dar-'

In German, the prefixes "da-" and "dar-" are used to form pronouns that refer to things, places, or situations. These pronouns often translate as "that," "there," "about it," or "for it" in English, depending on the context.

These pronouns are typically used with prepositions and refer back to previously mentioned concepts, ideas, or objects.

Pronouns with the Prefix "da-"

The prefix "da-" is used to form pronouns that are used when referring to a specific thing, place, or idea. The pronouns formed with "da-" are used in combination with prepositions and verbs. They often stand in for previously mentioned nouns and can be translated into English as "there," "that," "about it," or "for it."

Common "da-" Pronouns:

PronounMeaningExample in GermanEnglish Translation
dathere, hereDa ist das Buch.There is the book.
darinin itEr ist darin.He is in it.
daraufon itWir warten darauf.We are waiting for it.
dabeiwith itSie sind dabei.They are with it.
dafürfor itIch bin dafür.I am for it.
darüberabout itSie spricht darüber.She talks about it.
darunterunder itDer Hund liegt darunter.The dog is lying under it.
davorbefore itIch stehe davor.I stand before it.

Examples in Sentences:

  • Ich bin dafür, dass wir heute gehen.
    (I am for it that we go today.)
  • Das Buch liegt darauf.
    (The book is lying on it.)
  • Wir haben darüber gesprochen.
    (We talked about it.)
  • Sie wartet darauf, dass du kommst.
    (She is waiting for you to come.)

Pronouns with the Prefix "dar-"

The prefix "dar-" is used in combination with prepositions to form pronouns that generally refer to more abstract ideas, actions, or things that have been mentioned earlier. The pronouns formed with "dar-" are more specific and often used in higher-tier grammar. These are often used when discussing something that has been previously explained or referred to.

Common "dar-" Pronouns:

PronounMeaningExample in GermanEnglish Translation
daraufon it, on thatIch freue mich darauf.I am looking forward to it.
darüberabout it, about thatWir haben darüber gesprochen.We talked about it.
daranon it, to itIch habe daran gedacht.I thought about it.
darunterunder it, under thatDer Hund liegt darunter.The dog is lying under it.
dafürfor it, for thatIch habe dafür keine Zeit.I don't have time for it.
darinin it, in thatSie ist darin gut.She is good at it.
darumaround it, because of itDarum geht es.That’s what it’s about.
daraufhinas a result of itDaraufhin haben wir beschlossen, zu gehen.As a result of that, we decided to go.

Examples in Sentences:

  • Ich freue mich darauf, dich zu sehen.
    (I am looking forward to seeing you.)
  • Er hat daran gedacht, das Licht auszuschalten.
    (He thought about turning off the light.)
  • Sie haben darüber gesprochen, ob sie kommen können.
    (They talked about whether they can come.)
  • Das Ergebnis war schlecht, aber wir haben trotzdem daraufhin weitergearbeitet.
    (The result was bad, but we continued working as a result of that.)

Higher-Tier Example Sentences Using 'da-' and 'dar-' Pronouns

At higher levels of German, you may encounter more complex uses of these pronouns in subordinate clauses and indirect speech. Here are some higher-tier examples:

Complex Sentence with "darauf" (on it)

  • Er hat sich sehr darauf gefreut, die Prüfung zu bestehen.
    (He was really looking forward to passing the exam.)

Subordinate Clause with "darüber" (about it)

  • Sie sprach lange darüber, wie wichtig es ist, die Umwelt zu schützen.
    (She spoke for a long time about how important it is to protect the environment.)

Using "darum" (about it/because of it) in Context

  • Er konnte nicht kommen, weil er krank war, und darum hat er das Treffen abgesagt.
    (He couldn't come because he was ill, and that’s why he cancelled the meeting.)

Complex Structure with "daran" (to it)

  • Er hat an dem Projekt gearbeitet, und wir haben daran gemeinsam weitergearbeitet.
    (He worked on the project, and we continued working on it together.)

Key Vocabulary:

  • das Pronomen = the pronoun
  • darauf = on it
  • darüber = about it
  • darin = in it
  • daran = to it
  • dafür = for it
  • darum = because of it, around it


  • The prefix "da-" is used to form pronouns that refer to places, objects, or concepts previously mentioned. It is commonly used with prepositions and can be translated into English as "there," "about it," "on it," etc.
  • The prefix "dar-" is often used in higher-level grammar, referring to more abstract concepts and frequently used with prepositions to talk about things like time, place, or situations.
  • These pronouns are important for forming more complex sentences and providing clarity in communication, especially in higher-tier German.
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