One of the most important ways that information technology is used today is to distribute, exchange and share information. Electronic communication systems are what we use to do this.
This video explains about Electronic Communication
Viewdata, or Videotext, looks like teletext but is different because, unlike teletext, it allows two-way communication to take place transmitted along telephone lines via a modem.
The most common use of Viewdata is by travel agents to book holidays.

- A fax machine scans paper documents and converts them into digital format.
- The digital version is then converted into analogue format and sent over an ordinary telephone line to another fax machine.
- The fax machine at the receiving end converts the analogue information back into digital format and reproduces an exact hard copy of the original document.
- Faxes are particularly useful for transferring images such as plans, drawings or documents with signatures between remote locations when it is important that an identical copy of the original is received at the other end.
- Used to send messages from one computer to another
- Can be sent between computers on a local area network or between computers on the Internet
- Arrives at its destination in at most a few hours;
- Send and receive e-mail anywhere in the world, at any time;
- One e-mail message can be sent to a group of people;
- Registered e-mail can be sent;
- Can be cheaper than sending mail through the post;
- Can attach a file
- Some workers receive so many e-mails that they are unable to answer them all;
- Computer viruses are often sent by e-mail;
- Can send junk mail just as with conventional post
The use of a computer to send sound and video images from one computer to another in real time.
To videoconference you need:
- A computer with a large memory and a fast processor which can handle the large amount of data that video pictures contain;
- A digital video camera to capture the video pictures at your end of the link;
- A microphone or telephone hand-set to capture the sound that goes with your pictures;
- Access to an ISDN telephone line. This is because ordinary telephone lines weren’t designed to cope with the large amount of data that needs to be sent along them for videoconferencing;
- Special videoconferencing software.
Advantages of videoconferencing
- You can communicate with other people over long distances and see them as well as hear them;
- Videoconferencing is more personal than just a telephone call;
- Businesses can use videoconferencing to hold meetings which many people can be involved in;
- There is less need for people to travel
Disadvantages of videoconferencing
- The hardware and software needed can be expensive;
- Not many people have videoconferencing systems;
- ISDN lines are needed;T
- here is no substitute for a face-to-face meeting.
Telecommuting is when people work from home instead of travelling to work and use methods of electronic communication such as the telephone, fax machine, e-mail, the Internet and videoconferencing to communicate with the outside world.
- Time isn’t wasted travelling to and from work;
- Cars are kept off the roads which helps the environment;
- Working at home is less stressful and it is much easier to concentrate;
- Working hours are more flexible and can be fitted around other things that need doing such as collecting children from school;
- People who live large distances away from each other can work together without having to meet in person;
- Businesses need smaller offices and spend less on light and heating.
- Workers may miss the company of their co-workers and feel isolated;
- Having your workplace at home might mean that you end up doing too much work and not having enough time off;
- It is more difficult for mangers to monitor and control the workforce