Dynamics and Articulation
This section looks at Dynamics and Articulation. Understanding dynamics and articulation markings is essential for interpreting a piece of music and performing it with the intended expression.
Dynamics refer to the volume of music, ranging from very soft to very loud. Composers use dynamic markings to tell performers how loudly or softly to play, and these can change throughout a piece to add contrast and expression.
Key Dynamic Markings and Their Meanings:
pp (pianissimo): Very soft.
p (piano): Soft.
mp (mezzo-piano): Moderately soft.
mf (mezzo-forte): Moderately loud.
f (forte): Loud.
ff (fortissimo): Very loud.
Gradual Dynamic Changes:
Crescendo (cresc.): Gradually getting louder.
Diminuendo (dim.) / Decrescendo: Gradually getting softer.
Additional Dynamic Terms:
Sforzando (sfz): A sudden, strong accent on a note or chord.
Subito: Immediately, used with dynamic markings (e.g., subito piano means "suddenly soft").
Articulation refers to how notes are played or sung, indicating how they should be attacked or connected. It affects the overall character of the music, from smooth and flowing to sharp and detached.
Key Articulation Markings and Their Meanings:
Legato: Notes are played smoothly and connected. There should be no gaps between the notes.
Staccato: Notes are played short and detached, creating a light and bouncy feel.
Accent (>): Emphasise the note, making it stand out.
Tenuto (–): Hold the note for its full value, or slightly longer, giving it weight or emphasis.
Slur: A curved line connecting two or more notes, indicating that they should be played smoothly in one breath or bow stroke.
Marcato (^): Played with a strong accent and emphasis, more forceful than a regular accent.
Portato: A combination of legato and staccato, creating a slightly detached but smooth articulation.
Summary of Key Dynamics and Articulation Terms:
pp - Very soft
p - Soft
mp - Moderately soft
mf - Moderately loud
f - Loud
ff - Very loud
cresc. - Gradually getting louder
dim. - Gradually getting softer
sfz - Sudden, strong accent
Legato - Smooth and connected
Staccato - Short and detached
Accent - Emphasised note
Tenuto - Hold the note for its full value
Slur - Play smoothly in one phrase
Marcato - Strong, accented note
Portato - Slightly detached but smooth notes