
Muscular Endurance

This is when your muscles can keep exerting a force for a long period of time.

When your muscles get tired, they start to feel heavy or weak, and muscle fatigue sets in.

Slow twitch fibres get tired less quickly.

To improve your muscular endurance, muscles need to get stronger. Weight training is a good way of doing this.

Cardiovascular Endurance

This is how good you are at keeping your muscles supplied with O2

As your muscles work harder, they need more O2, so your breathing and heart rate get faster to move more O2 around the body.

The more efficient the Cardiovascular system is, the slower the pulse rate will be, and the quicker it will return to normal after exercise.

To improve your Cardiovascular endurance, you need to work your heart and lungs hard for at least 15 minutes. To do this, you should be working at 60-90% of your maximum heart rate. To work this out minus your age from 220.

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Southampton University