Exercise Introduction
Exercise helps physically, mentally and socially.
Cardiovascular fitness = the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time
Muscular strength = the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance
Muscular endurance = the ability to use the voluntary muscles many times without getting tired
Flexibility = the range of movement possible at a joint
Body composition = the percentage of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone
Physical Exercise
- Improves body shape, muscle tone and posture.
- Strengthens the bones, reduces the chance of illness and increases life expectancy.
- Increases strength, endurance, flexibility and overall fitness.
Mental Exercise
- Gives you a challenge.
- Helps deal with tension and stress.
- Helps you to feel better about yourself, and increases self-confidence.
Social Exercise
- Improves teamwork and cooperation.
- Can help you meet new people and lead to new friendships.
- Can improve your image and bring in money.
You can hurt yourself exercising if you’re not careful. Below are a few simple guidelines to help you look after yourself:
- Exercise should be regular.
- 20 minutes 4 times a week will help, and you should start to see a difference.
- Start slowly, and increase the intensity as you become fitter.
- Do not overdo it!
You can start to exercise simply by changing a few habits:
- Do not use the car; walk or cycle short distances.
- Use the stairs rather than the lift.