Discipleship GCSE Religious Studies Quick Fire Quiz
Test your knowledge of Discipleship with this Quick Fire Quiz.
This quiz consists of 10 questions. Click on the Answer button to reveal the answer.
What did Jesus say to the rich young man who wanted to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
He said he had to sell everything, give it to the poor and follow Jesus.
What was the mission of the disciples?
The mission was to go out in pairs with sandals and a stick, with no extra coat, no bread, money or pack and cast out unclean spirits, staying where they were welcome and leaving when people would not listen.
What was the commission of the disciples?
The commission was to proclaim the Good News, baptise people, speak in strange tongues, handle snakes and drink deadly poison and take no harm, to heal people in Jesus’ name.
What were Jesus’ instructions for the Passover meal?
Two disciples were to go to the city and follow the man carrying a jar of water and, when he enters a house, ask for the room prepared for the disciples to eat the Passover meal. They found everything as he said.
What did Jesus say when he broke the bread?
‘Take this; this is my body.’
What did Jesus say when he offered the cup of wine to the disciples?
‘This is my blood, the blood of the new covenant, shed for you.’
How is the offering of bread and wine interpreted by Christians?
As a memorial of Jesus and a way of his being ever present to all Christians.
What did Jesus foretell of Peter at the Last Supper?
That Peter would deny him three times before the cock crowed twice.
What did Jesus ask in the Garden of Gethsemane?
For his cup of suffering to be taken from him.
Who betrayed Jesus?
Judas Iscariot for thirty pieces of silver and with a kiss.