The Gospel of Mark GCSE Religious Studies Quick Fire Quiz

Test your knowledge of Christian Miracles in the Gospel of Mark with this Quick Fire Quiz.

This quiz consists of 10 questions. Click on the Answer button to reveal the answer.


What is the connection between miracles and faith?

Christians believe that you need to have faith for miracles to occur.

Name three levels on which miracles can be considered.

Terras, dynamis and semeion, meaning wonder/awe, power.

What kinds of miracles did Jesus perform?

Miracles of healing physical and mental illness, nature miracles and raising from the dead.

What did miracles reveal about Jesus?

Miracles revealed that Jesus had God’s power.

Name one miracle when Jesus raised someone from the dead.

He raised Jairus’ daughter.

How did Jesus heal the Gerasene Demoniac?

Jesus sent the evil spirits from the Gerasene Demoniac into the pigs.

Why could the disciples not heal the boy with an evil spirit?

The disciples could not heal the boy with an evil spirit because they did not pray properly for faith.

Why was the haemorrhagic woman healed?

The haemorrhagic woman was healed because she believed she only had to touch Jesus to be healed. She had faith.

Why does Jesus say, ‘Your sins are forgiven’ when he cures a paralysed man?

Jesus has God’s power to forgive sins and therefore to heal people.

Why does Jesus order secrecy when he cured someone?

Jesus orders secrecy because it is not time to reveal the Messianic Secret.

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