Risalah – The Holy Books in Islam

This section explains Risalah – The Holy Books in Islam. Risalah, the concept of prophethood, holds that Allah revealed sacred scriptures to various prophets before Prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe these revealed books originally contained the same divine message as the Qur’an. However, over time, these messages have been altered or mixed with human interpretations, which is why only the Qur’an is regarded by Muslims as the unaltered and true word of Allah.

The holy books include:

The Suhuf Ibrahim (The Scrolls of Abraham)

The Suhuf Ibrahim refers to the early scriptures that were revealed to the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). These scrolls, however, are now lost, and little is known about their exact content. According to Islamic belief, they taught the followers of Ibrahim the revelations Allah gave him. While the Suhuf Ibrahim were considered a holy book at the time, their message is believed to have been lost over the centuries, and is not recognised in the same way as the Qur’an.

The Tawrat (The Torah)

The Tawrat, known as the Torah in Judaism, is the holy scripture revealed to the Prophet Musa (Moses). The Tawrat is highly regarded in Islam, as it contains important teachings, including the Ten Commandments, which serve as ethical guidelines for humanity. According to the Qur’an, the Tawrat also carries the judgement of Allah, outlining laws and guidance for the people of that time. However, Muslims believe that the original message of the Tawrat has been altered over time, with human influences mixing with the divine message. The Qur’an confirms the importance of the Tawrat as a divinely revealed text:

“We have sent you inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him. We sent inspiration to Abraham, Isma’il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms.”
Qur’an 4:163

The Zabur (The Psalms)

The Zabur is a collection of psalms that was revealed to Dawud (David). The Qur’an mentions the Zabur as a divinely inspired book, similar in nature to the psalms found in the Bible. The psalms were intended to guide Dawud’s followers in worship and praise of Allah. While the Zabur is not fully preserved in its original form, its influence remains in Islamic teachings, particularly in the context of devotion and gratitude towards Allah.

The Injil (The Gospel)

The Injil is the holy book believed to have been given to Isa (Jesus). According to Islamic belief, the Injil originally contained Allah’s revelations to Isa, but over time its content has been altered, and its true message is considered lost. Muslims believe that the Injil prophesied the coming of Prophet Muhammad, reinforcing the continuity of divine revelation across different prophets. The Qur’an reflects this connection, stating:

“And in their footsteps, We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him.”
Qur’an 5:46

The Hadith

The Hadith refers to the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad as recorded by his companions and followers. While the Hadith is not considered the literal word of Allah, it provides valuable guidance for Muslims on how to live according to the teachings of Islam. The Hadith serves as a key source of instruction on Islamic law, morality, and daily living, offering practical advice for the modern Muslim. Although the Hadith is not divinely revealed like the Qur’an, it is highly regarded by Muslims as a source of wisdom and guidance.

In addition to the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad, Shi’a Muslims also follow the Hadith of the Imams. These are the sayings and actions of the Imams, particularly the first Imam, Ali, and his descendants. The Imam's sayings are seen as authoritative in Shi’a Islam and complement the teachings of the Qur’an and the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad.

The Sunnah

The Sunnah is a collection of writings that describe Prophet Muhammad’s way of life, his practices, and his behaviour. It is based on the actions, habits, and decisions of the Prophet, which are seen as exemplary models for Muslims to follow. The Sunnah offers practical insights into how to live as a Muslim, including guidance on religious practices, social interactions, and personal conduct. It is regarded as an essential part of Islamic tradition, working alongside the Qur’an to help Muslims understand the will of Allah and how to live according to it.


Together, the holy books revealed to previous prophets and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad offer a comprehensive framework for Muslim belief and practice. While the Qur’an is considered the final and most complete revelation, Muslims respect the earlier scriptures for the divine wisdom they contain. The Hadith and Sunnah provide further guidance on how to live in accordance with Allah's will, offering Muslims insight into the actions and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. By understanding the Risalah and its holy books, Muslims are reminded of the continuity of divine guidance and the responsibility they bear in following Allah’s instructions as outlined in these sacred texts.

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