Showing Possession Using ‘de’ in Spanish

This section explains Showing Possession Using ‘de’ in Spanish. In Spanish, possession is often expressed using the preposition "de" because Spanish does not use an apostrophe (’s) like English does.

For example:

  • English:Maria’s book
  • Spanish:El libro de María (NOT María’s libro ❌)

Foundation Tier: Basic Possession with ‘de’

Posesión básica con ‘de’

EnglishSpanishExample Sentence (English)Example Sentence (Spanish)
The boy’s dogEl perro del niñoThe boy’s dog is big.El perro del niño es grande.
The teacher’s penEl bolígrafo del profesorThe teacher’s pen is on the desk.El bolígrafo del profesor está en el escritorio.
My friend’s houseLa casa de mi amigoMy friend’s house is near the park.La casa de mi amigo está cerca del parque.
The woman’s carEl coche de la mujerThe woman’s car is red.El coche de la mujer es rojo.
The students’ booksLos libros de los estudiantesThe students’ books are on the table.Los libros de los estudiantes están en la mesa.

Key Rule for ‘de + el’ → ‘del’

When ‘de’ is followed by ‘el’, they contract to ‘del’:

  • El coche del profesor (NOT el coche de el profesor ❌)
  • La casa del hombre (NOT la casa de el hombre ❌)

Higher Tier: Complex Possession with ‘de’

Posesión avanzada con ‘de’

EnglishSpanishExample Sentence (English)Example Sentence (Spanish)
My brother’s best friendEl mejor amigo de mi hermanoMy brother’s best friend is called Pedro.El mejor amigo de mi hermano se llama Pedro.
The owner of the restaurantEl dueño del restauranteThe owner of the restaurant is very kind.El dueño del restaurante es muy amable.
The door of the houseLa puerta de la casaThe door of the house is blue.La puerta de la casa es azul.
The colour of the carEl color del cocheThe colour of the car is black.El color del coche es negro.
The capital of SpainLa capital de EspañaThe capital of Spain is Madrid.La capital de España es Madrid.

Alternative Way to Show Possession: Possessive Adjectives

Although ‘de’ is commonly used for possession, possessive adjectives can also be used.

EnglishPossessive AdjectiveExample Sentence (English)Example Sentence (Spanish)
MyMi / MisMy book is on the table.Mi libro está en la mesa.
YourTu / TusYour dog is very friendly.Tu perro es muy amable.
His / HerSu / SusHis house is very big.Su casa es muy grande.
OurNuestro/a/os/asOur school is modern.Nuestra escuela es moderna.

Key Tips for Using ‘de’ for Possession

Use ‘de’ instead of the apostrophe (‘s) in Spanish

  • La mochila de Ana (Ana’s backpack)
    Remember ‘de + el’ contracts to ‘del’
  • El padre del niño (NOT de el niño ❌)
    For plural owners, ‘de los’ or ‘de las’ is used
  • Los amigos de los estudiantes (The students’ friends)

These revision notes will help you with revising possession using ‘de’ in Spanish for both foundation and higher tiers.

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