Object Pronouns in Spanish

This section explains Object Pronouns in Spanish. Object pronouns replace the object (person or thing) in a sentence to avoid repetition. In Spanish, object pronouns come before the verb in most cases.

Direct Object Pronouns

A direct object is the thing or person that directly receives the action of the verb.

Spanish Direct Object Pronouns:

EnglishSpanishExample Sentence
MeMeElla me ve. → She sees me.
You (singular, informal)TeYo te llamo. → I call you.
Him / It (masculine)LoMaría lo compra. → María buys it (the book).
Her / It (feminine)LaJuan la ama. → Juan loves her.
UsNosEl profesor nos ayuda. → The teacher helps us.
You (plural, informal – Spain)Os¿Juan os conoce? → Does Juan know you all?
Them (masculine/mixed)LosNo los veo. → I don’t see them.
Them (feminine)Las¿Tú las entiendes? → Do you understand them?
You (plural, formal)Los / LasLos invito a la fiesta. → I invite you all to the party.

Foundation Examples:

  1. Yo te veo.I see you.
  2. Ella nos ayuda con los deberes.She helps us with the homework.
  3. Pedro la compra.Pedro buys it (the jacket).
  4. No los encontramos.We don’t find them.
  5. ¿Me escuchas?Do you listen to me?

Higher Tier Examples:

  1. Voy a llamarla mañana.I’m going to call her tomorrow.
  2. No quiero comprarlos.I don’t want to buy them.
  3. El profesor quiere enseñarnos español.The teacher wants to teach us Spanish.
  4. ¿Has visto a Juan? Sí, lo vi ayer.Have you seen Juan? Yes, I saw him yesterday.
  5. Las he enviado por correo electrónico.I have sent them by email.

Indirect Object Pronouns

An indirect object is the person receiving the action (to whom or for whom something is done).

Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns:

EnglishSpanishExample Sentence
To me / For meMeElla me da un regalo. → She gives me a gift.
To you (singular, informal)TeYo te escribo una carta. → I write you a letter.
To him / To her / To you (formal)LeAna le habla. → Ana talks to him/her/you (formal).
To usNosMi madre nos prepara la cena. → My mother prepares dinner for us.
To you all (Spain, informal)Os¿Juan os dijo la verdad? → Did Juan tell you (plural) the truth?
To them / To you all (formal)LesYo les doy el dinero. → I give them the money.

Foundation Examples:

  1. Te doy un libro.I give you a book.
  2. Nos manda un mensaje.He sends us a message.
  3. Le compro flores.I buy her flowers.
  4. Os traigo comida.I bring you all food.
  5. Les explico la tarea.I explain the homework to them.

Higher Tier Examples:

  1. Voy a decirle la verdad.I’m going to tell him the truth.
  2. Mi abuela nos ha cocinado paella.My grandmother has cooked us paella.
  3. Le mandé un correo ayer.I sent him an email yesterday.
  4. Si tuviera tiempo, te ayudaría.If I had time, I would help you.
  5. No les gustó la película.They didn’t like the film.

Using Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Together

When both direct and indirect object pronouns appear in the same sentence:

  1. Indirect object pronoun comes first.
  2. Direct object pronoun comes second.
  3. Le/Les changes to "Se" if followed by lo, la, los, las (to avoid repetition).
Example SentenceEnglish Translation
Me lo dio.He gave it to me.
Te la presto.I lend it to you.
Se lo explicamos.We explain it to him/her/them.
Nos los compraron.They bought them for us.
Se las envió.He sent them to them.

Higher Tier Examples:

  1. Mi padre me lo ha comprado.My father has bought it for me.
  2. Voy a mandártelo mañana.I’m going to send it to you tomorrow.
  3. Nos la trajeron de España.They brought it to us from Spain.
  4. Se los di hace un mes.I gave them to them a month ago.
  5. Si pudieras, ¿me lo explicarías?If you could, would you explain it to me?

Object Pronouns with Commands (Imperatives)

In affirmative commands, object pronouns attach to the end of the verb:
Dímelo.Tell it to me.
Cómpralos.Buy them.
Envíasela.Send it to her.

In negative commands, object pronouns come before the verb:
No me lo digas.Don’t tell it to me.
No los compres.Don’t buy them.
No se la envíes.Don’t send it to her.

Practice Exercises

  1. Translate into Spanish:
    • I see you every day.
    • She sends me a letter.
    • They gave it to us.
    • I’m going to buy it for him.
    • Don’t tell me the answer!
  2. Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun(s):
    • Juan ___ dio un regalo. (Juan gave me a gift.)
    • Mamá ___ compra flores. (Mum buys them flowers.)
    • Yo ___ explico la lección. (I explain the lesson to you.)
    • ¿Puedes traer___ el libro? (Can you bring it to me?)
    • Te prometo que ___ escribiré. (I promise I will write to you.)

Final Tips for Learning Spanish

Remember the word order: object pronouns usually go before the verb, except in commands and infinitives.
Be careful with "le" and "les" – they change to "se" when combined with lo/la/los/las.
Practise using both direct and indirect object pronouns together to sound more natural.

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