Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish

This section explains Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish. Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and object of a verb are the same—that is, when someone does an action to themselves.

Spanish Reflexive Pronouns

EnglishSpanishExample Sentence
MyselfMeMe despierto temprano. → I wake up early.
Yourself (informal)TeTe lavas las manos. → You wash your hands.
Himself / Herself / Itself / Yourself (formal)SeJuan se afeita. → Juan shaves (himself).
OurselvesNosNosotros nos levantamos a las ocho. → We get up at eight.
Yourselves (plural, Spain)Os¿A qué hora os acostáis? → What time do you (all) go to bed?
Themselves / Yourselves (plural, Latin America & formal Spain)SeEllos se visten rápido. → They get dressed quickly.

Reflexive pronouns always match the subject of the verb.

Common Reflexive Verbs

Many verbs in Spanish must be used with reflexive pronouns because they describe actions done to oneself.

Spanish VerbEnglish MeaningExample Sentence
LevantarseTo get upMe levanto temprano. → I get up early.
Despertarse (e→ie)To wake up¿A qué hora te despiertas? → What time do you wake up?
Vestirse (e→i)To get dressedNos vestimos rápidamente. → We get dressed quickly.
DucharseTo showerJuan se ducha por la mañana. → Juan showers in the morning.
PeinarseTo comb one's hairMe peino antes de salir. → I comb my hair before leaving.
AfeitarseTo shave¿Te afeitas todos los días? → Do you shave every day?
MaquillarseTo put on makeupElla se maquilla para la fiesta. → She puts on makeup for the party.
Acostarse (o→ue)To go to bedMe acuesto tarde los fines de semana. → I go to bed late on weekends.
Sentarse (e→ie)To sit downNos sentamos en la mesa. → We sit at the table.
Sentirse (e→ie)To feelMe siento cansado. → I feel tired.

Position of Reflexive Pronouns

Before the conjugated verb (Simple Tenses)

Reflexive pronouns always come before the verb when it is conjugated in a simple tense (e.g. present, past).

  • Me lavo la cara.I wash my face.
  • Te despiertas temprano.You wake up early.
  • Nos acostamos a las once.We go to bed at eleven.

Attached to the infinitive or gerund

When using infinitives or gerunds, the reflexive pronoun can go before the first verb or attached to the second verb.

Before the first verbAttached to the infinitive/gerund
Me quiero duchar.I want to shower.Quiero ducharme.I want to shower.
Nos vamos a vestir.We are going to get dressed.Vamos a vestirnos.We are going to get dressed.
Se está peinando.He is combing his hair.Está peinándose.He is combing his hair.

When attaching a pronoun to a gerund, an accent is added to maintain pronunciation.

Reflexive Verbs in Different Tenses

Present Tense (Foundation)

  • Me levanto temprano.I get up early.
  • Te duchas todos los días.You shower every day.
  • Se viste antes del desayuno.He gets dressed before breakfast.
  • Nos acostamos tarde.We go to bed late.

Preterite Tense (Foundation)

  • Me desperté a las siete.I woke up at seven.
  • Te acostaste tarde.You went to bed late.
  • Se duchó antes de salir.He showered before leaving.
  • Nos vestimos rápidamente.We got dressed quickly.

Higher Tier Examples (Imperfect, Future, Conditional, Subjunctive)

Imperfect (Describing past habits)

  • Me levantaba temprano cuando era niño.I used to get up early when I was a child.
  • Se acostaban tarde los fines de semana.They used to go to bed late on weekends.

Future (Describing future plans)

  • Me acostaré temprano mañana.I will go to bed early tomorrow.
  • Te sentirás mejor después del descanso.You will feel better after resting.

Conditional (Describing hypothetical situations)

  • Me ducharía por la mañana si tuviera tiempo.I would shower in the morning if I had time.
  • Nos levantaríamos más tarde si no tuviéramos que trabajar.We would get up later if we didn’t have to work.

Present Subjunctive (Giving advice or expressing doubt)

  • Espero que te sientas mejor pronto.I hope you feel better soon.
  • Es importante que nos acostemos temprano.It’s important that we go to bed early.

Reflexive Pronouns vs. Non-Reflexive Pronouns

Some verbs can be reflexive or non-reflexive, depending on whether the action is done to oneself or someone else.

Reflexive (Action on oneself)Non-Reflexive (Action on someone else)
Me lavo las manos.I wash my hands.Lavo el coche.I wash the car.
Te despiertas temprano.You wake up early.Despierto a mi hermano.I wake up my brother.
Nos sentamos en la mesa.We sit at the table.Sentamos a los niños.We seat the children.

If the action is done to another person or object, the verb is NOT reflexive.

Reflexive Pronouns with Commands

Affirmative Commands (Attach to Verb)

  • ¡Lávate las manos!Wash your hands!
  • ¡Dúchate rápido!Shower quickly!
  • ¡Acuéstate temprano!Go to bed early!

Add an accent when attaching pronouns to commands.

Negative Commands (Pronouns Before the Verb)

  • No te levantes tarde.Don’t get up late.
  • No se preocupen.Don’t worry (you all).
  • No nos sentemos aquí.Let’s not sit here.

Practice Exercises

  1. Translate into Spanish:
    • I get up at seven o’clock.
    • She washes her hair every morning.
    • They went to bed late yesterday.
    • We will get dressed quickly.
    • Don’t worry!
  2. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronoun:
    • Yo ___ levanto temprano.
    • ¿A qué hora ___ acuestas?
    • Nosotros ___ peinamos antes de salir.
    • Ellos ___ visten rápidamente.
    • Mi hermana ___ ducha por la mañana.
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