Sporting Events

atmosphere ambiente (m)
ball balón (m)
cycling ciclismo (m)
final final (f)
football fútbol (m)
football balón de fútbol (m)
game juego (m)
goal (football) gol (m), meta (f)
hockey hockey (m)
league, division liga (f)
match partido (m)
participant participante (m,f)
player jugador (m), jugadora (f)
rugby rugby (m)
spectator espectador (m), espectadora (f)
stadium estadio (m)
team equipo (m)
to score a goal marcar un gol
to take part participar
tournament torneo (m)
hooligan, lout gamberro (m),  gamberra (f)
referee árbitro (m), árbitra (f)


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