Valentine (Carol Ann Duffy)

Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy is a contemporary love poem that challenges conventional notions of love and romance. The speaker offers an unconventional Valentine's Day gift to their lover: an onion. Through vivid imagery and metaphorical language, the speaker explores the complexities of love and the layers of emotion that accompany it. The poem challenges the reader to reconsider the traditional symbols of love and to embrace the raw, honest emotions that underpin true intimacy. You can read the poem below and find analysis further down the page.

Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy

Not a red rose or a satin heart. 


 I give you an onion.

 It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.

 It promises light

 like the careful undressing of love.



 It will blind you with tears

 like a lover.

 It will make your reflection

 a wobbling photo of grief.


 I am trying to be truthful.


 Not a cute card or a kissogram.


 I give you an onion.

 Its ­fierce kiss will stay on your lips,

 possessive and faithful

 as we are,

 for as long as we are.


 Take it.

 Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring,

 if you like.


 Its scent will cling to your ­ fingers,

 cling to your knife.



Love and Intimacy: Carol Ann Duffy explores the theme of love and intimacy, portraying love as multifaceted and complex.

Truth and Authenticity: "Valentine" delves into the theme of truth and authenticity in relationships, challenging the reader to embrace honesty and vulnerability in their interactions with others.

Contrasts and Paradoxes: The poem highlights the theme of contrasts and paradoxes in love, juxtaposing the conventional symbol of a Valentine's Day gift with the unconventional choice of an onion.

Emotion and Vulnerability: "Valentine" also touches upon the theme of emotion and vulnerability, inviting the reader to consider the raw, honest emotions that underpin true intimacy and connection.

Language and Imagery:

Carol Ann Duffy uses rich and evocative language, coupled with vivid imagery, to convey the complexities of love. Phrases such as "Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring" and "Here" create a sense of intimacy and vulnerability, highlighting the raw, honest emotions that underpin true love.

Tone and Mood: 

The tone of the poem is intimate and contemplative, with a sense of vulnerability and honesty underlying the speaker's words. The mood is one of introspection and reflection, as the speaker challenges the reader to reconsider conventional notions of love and romance.

Structure and Form: 

"Valentine" is structured as a free-verse poem, with irregular line lengths and a lack of strict rhyme scheme. This free-flowing structure mirrors the fluidity and complexity of love, reinforcing the poem's theme of authenticity and vulnerability.

Metaphor and Symbolism: 

The onion in the poem serves as a powerful metaphor for love, symbolising the layers of emotion and complexity that accompany it. Through this metaphor, Duffy challenges the reader to embrace the raw, honest emotions that underpin true intimacy.

Narrative Perspective:

The poem is narrated from the perspective of the speaker, offering readers insight into their thoughts and emotions as they reflect on love and intimacy. This perspective allows Duffy to explore the complexities of love within the context of a romantic relationship.

Relevance to the Anthology:

"Valentine" provides students with an opportunity to explore the theme of relationships from a contemporary perspective, challenging conventional notions of love and romance. The poem invites readers to consider the raw, honest emotions that underpin true intimacy and connection, highlighting the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in relationships.


Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy is a contemporary love poem that challenges conventional notions of love and romance, using rich language and vivid imagery to convey the complexities of intimacy and connection. Through the perspective of the speaker, Duffy explores themes of truth, authenticity, and vulnerability, inviting readers to reconsider the traditional symbols of love and to embrace the raw, honest emotions that underpin true intimacy within the context of the Edexcel Relationships Poetry Anthology.

You can find analysis of all the Edexcel Relationships Poetry Anthology Poems here

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