I Wanna Be Yours (John Cooper Clarke)

I Wanna Be Yours by John Cooper Clarke is a declaration of love and commitment. The speaker expresses a desire to be everything to their beloved, from everyday objects to intangible concepts. Cooper Clarke uses metaphorical language to convey the speaker’s willingness to adapt and transform themselves to suit the needs and desires of their loved one. The poem celebrates the idea of unconditional love and the willingness to be fully devoted to another person. You can read the poem below and find analysis further down the page.

I Wanna Be Yours by John Cooper Clarke

let me be your vacuum cleaner

breathing in your dust

let me be your ford cortina

i will never rust

if you like your coffee hot

let me be your coffee pot

you call the shots

i wanna be yours


let me be your raincoat

for those frequent rainy days

let me be your dreamboat

when you wanna sail away

let me be your teddy bear

take me with you anywhere

i don’t care

i wanna be yours


let me be your electric meter

i will not run out

let me be the electric heater

you get cold without

let me be your setting lotion

hold your hair

with deep devotion

deep as the deep

atlantic ocean

that’s how deep is my emotion

deep deep deep deep de deep deep

i don’t wanna be hers

i wanna be yours



Love and Devotion: Clarke explores the theme of love, portraying the speaker's unwavering devotion to their beloved.

Identity and Adaptation: The poem examines the idea of identity and the willingness to adapt and transform oneself for the sake of love. The speaker expresses a desire to become whatever their beloved needs or desires.

Intimacy and Connection: "I Wanna Be Yours" celebrates the intimacy and connection between two people, highlighting the depth of emotion and closeness that can be shared in a loving relationship.

Sincerity and Authenticity: Clarke's poem emphasises the importance of sincerity and authenticity in relationships, with the speaker expressing genuine affection and devotion to their loved one.

Language and Imagery: 

Clarke uses simple and direct language, coupled with vivid imagery, to convey the speaker's emotions and desires. Phrases such as "Let me be your vacuum cleaner" and "I wanna be your Ford Cortina" create memorable images that illustrate the speaker's willingness to be anything and everything for their beloved.

Tone and Mood: 

The tone of the poem is affectionate and playful, with the speaker expressing their love in a light hearted and humorous manner. The mood is warm and intimate, as the speaker invites their beloved to share in their devotion and affection.

Structure and Form: 

The poem consists of four stanzas, each with irregular line lengths. This irregular structure mirrors the spontaneity and fluidity of love, capturing the speaker's stream-of-consciousness as they express their feelings.


The everyday objects mentioned in the poem serve as symbols of the speaker's commitment and devotion to their beloved. By likening themselves to these objects, the speaker conveys their willingness to be whatever their beloved needs or desires.

Narrative Perspective:

The poem is narrated from the perspective of the speaker, offering readers insight into their thoughts and emotions. This perspective allows Clarke to explore the complexities of love and devotion within the context of a romantic relationship.

Relevance to the Anthology:

I Wanna Be Yours provides students with an opportunity to explore the theme of relationships from a contemporary perspective, focusing on the idea of unconditional love and devotion. The poem invites readers to consider the ways in which love can inspire individuals to adapt and transform themselves for the sake of their beloved.


I Wanna Be Yours by John Cooper Clarke is a heartfelt exploration of love and devotion, conveyed through playful language and vivid imagery. Clarke's poem celebrates the intimacy and connection between two people, highlighting the depth of emotion and closeness that can be shared in a loving relationship. Through its affectionate tone and sincere expression of devotion, "I Wanna Be Yours" invites readers to contemplate the enduring power of love and the willingness to be fully devoted to another person.

You can find analysis of all the Edexcel Relationships Poetry Anthology Poems here

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