The Charge of the Light Brigade (Alfred, Lord Tennyson)

The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson is a narrative poem that commemorates the bravery and valour of the British cavalry during the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War (1854-1856). Tennyson vividly captures the chaos, heroism, and tragic consequences of war, while also exploring themes of duty, obedience, and the sacrifice of soldiers. You can read the poem below and will find analysis further down the page.

The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson


Half a league, half a league, 
Half a league onward, 
All in the valley of Death 
Rode the six hundred. 
“Forward, the Light Brigade! 
Charge for the guns!” he said. 
Into the valley of Death 
Rode the six hundred.


“Forward, the Light Brigade!” 
Was there a man dismayed? 
Not though the soldier knew 
Someone had blundered. 
Theirs not to make reply, 
Theirs not to reason why, 
Theirs but to do and die. 
Into the valley of Death 
Rode the six hundred.


Cannon to right of them, 
Cannon to left of them, 
Cannon in front of them 
Volleyed and thundered; 
Stormed at with shot and shell, 
Boldly they rode and well, 
Into the jaws of Death, 
Into the mouth of hell 
Rode the six hundred.


Flashed all their sabres bare, 
Flashed as they turned in air 
Sabring the gunners there, 
Charging an army, while 
All the world wondered. 
Plunged in the battery-smoke 
Right through the line they broke; 
Cossack and Russian 
Reeled from the sabre stroke 
Shattered and sundered. 
Then they rode back, but not 
Not the six hundred.


Cannon to right of them, 
Cannon to left of them, 
Cannon behind them 
Volleyed and thundered; 
Stormed at with shot and shell, 
While horse and hero fell. 
They that had fought so well 
Came through the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.


When can their glory fade? 
O the wild charge they made! 
All the world wondered. 
Honour the charge they made! 
Honour the Light Brigade, 
Noble six hundred!



Bravery and Heroism: The poem celebrates the courage and valour of the Light Brigade as they charged into battle against overwhelming odds. Despite facing certain death, the soldiers obeyed their orders without question, displaying unwavering bravery and loyalty to their country.

Duty and Obedience: Tennyson highlights the concept of duty and obedience to authority figures, even in the face of danger and potential harm. The soldiers in the poem follow orders unquestioningly, despite knowing the high likelihood of death. This theme reflects the military ethos of the time, emphasising the importance of discipline and adherence to orders.

Futility of War: While the poem glorifies the bravery of the soldiers, it also underscores the senselessness and futility of war. The charge itself is depicted as a tragic and futile endeavour, resulting in unnecessary loss of life. Tennyson's portrayal of the chaos and confusion of battle serves as a powerful critique of the glorification of war and its devastating consequences.

Language and Structure:

Imagery: Tennyson employs vivid imagery to convey the chaos and violence of battle. Phrases such as "Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them" and "Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell" evoke a sense of danger and impending doom, immersing the reader in the intensity of the moment.

Repetition: The poem utilises repetition to emphasise key phrases and evoke a sense of rhythm and urgency. The repeated use of phrases such as "Half a league onward" and "Charge for the guns!" creates a sense of momentum and determination, mirroring the relentless advance of the cavalry into battle.

Structure: "The Charge of the Light Brigade" is structured as a narrative poem, recounting the events of the battle in a chronological sequence. The use of a regular meter and rhyme scheme (dactylic meter with a consistent ABABCDD rhyme scheme) contributes to the poem's sense of flow and coherence.


"The Charge of the Light Brigade" is a powerful and evocative portrayal of courage, sacrifice, and the horrors of war. Through vivid imagery and compelling language, Tennyson pays tribute to the bravery of the soldiers while also highlighting the senselessness and futility of conflict. The poem serves as a timeless reminder of the human cost of war and the enduring legacy of those who have sacrificed their lives in service to their country.

You can find analysis of all the AQA Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology Poems here

You can find analysis of all the Edexcel Conflict Poetry Anthology Poems here

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