The Tempest Essay Questions
Test your knowledge of The Tempest with these sample GCSE essay Questions.
Click on the Essay Plan buttons as a guide on how to answer the question.
What do you consider to be engaging about the way Shakespeare represents Prospero? You can either confine yourself to two episodes or explore the whole play.
The examiner is looking for you to show you understand the character of Prospero and the way in which Shakespeare presents him.
They are also looking for your opinion about what you consider to be engaging/interesting.
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going to consider what makes Prospero an engaging character and how Shakespeare makes him engaging.
2. What makes Prospero Engaging?
Select examples from the text which show that Prospero is an engaging character.
How is he different from other characters?
Look at his magical background.
Look at his ability to forgive and resolve situations.
Look at his survival ability.
3 - What is your opinion?
You can either explore the whole play or select two specific episodes which you believe show Prospero is an engaging character.
Analyse these two episodes in detail.
Pay close attention to language.
4 – Conclusion
Come to a firm conclusion what makes Prospero an engaging character?
Draw together your analysis and sum up what you believe makes the character engaging.
Consider Act 1 Scene 2 from the line 410 ‘What is’t? A spirit? to the end of the scene. What is the dramatic significance of this episode within the play?
The examiner is looking for you to explore Act 1 Scene 2 and the whole play.
The examiner wants you to explore the dramatic significance.
This question requires embedded quotations throughout and a close reading of the text.
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going to explore the dramatic significance of Act 1 Scene 2.
2 – Act 1 Scene 2
Consider the scene – don’t just narrate what happens but focus on why this scene is significant.
What is dramatic about the scene?
Why is this dramatic?
And what is the effect of the dramatic tension on the play as a whole?
Focus on language.
3 - Dramatic Significance
Consider where the scene fits into the rest of the play.
You should look at the scene’s structure and how this structure supports the dramatic significance of this scene.
4 – Conclusion
Come to a firm conclusion what is the dramatic significance of this scene? Why? Select examples to support your ideas.
Explore the presentation of Ariel in the play. You can either explore two episodes in detail or explore the whole play.
The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the character of Ariel and Ariel’s significance in the play.
You MUST show that you understand Ariel’s importance in highlighting many important themes in the play – such as the supernatural, forgiveness and slavery
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going to explore the role of Ariel in the play and how Ariel is presented.
2 – Ariel’s Characteristics
Explore the role of Ariel.
What is he like?
Discuss actions and language.
Use examples from the text to support your exploration of this character.
3 - Ariel’s place in the play
What is Ariels’ purpose in the play?
Why is he there?
What is his part in the play?
Why is his role important?
4 – Conclusion
Sum up your analysis of the character.
What is the role?
Why is this role important?
How does Ariel fit into the play?
What is the character’s significance?
What is Miranda’s function in the play? How does her character help to move the play forward to its resolution?
The examiner wants you to look at Miranda firstly as a character and her role in the play.
Then how Miranda’s character drives the play forward.
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going to explore the role of Miranda and how her role drives the play forward.
2 – Miranda’s Role
What is Miranda’s role?
What is she like?
Refer to Miranda’s words and actions.
Select specific examples of where Miranda’s character is prominent in the play.
3 - How Miranda brings the play forward
Select a few examples of where Miranda pushes the play forward – eg her relationship with Ferdinand.
You need to be specific and analyse where and how Miranda pushes the play forward.
You may also need to consider her relationships with others at this point.
4 – Conclusion
Come to a firm conclusion use your analysis to sum up the function of Miranda’s character and how Miranda helps to move the play forward?
Explore the presentation of magic and references to the supernatural in the play. You can explore two specific episodes or consider the play as a whole.
The examiner wants to see that you understand the theme of magic and the supernatural themes portrayed throughout the play.
They want to see a close reading of at least two episodes in the play and therefore you will need to use quotations throughout.
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going to explore the presentation of magic and the supernatural in the play. You are going to consider its use in detail.
2 – Magic and Supernatural
Select scenes or events which present magic and the supernatural.
Don’t simply narrate but explore and analyse where and how magic is presented – is it evil? Is it good? What is the purpose of using these references.
3 - Magical Characters
Select examples of characters who use magic and make links to the supernatural. E.g the main source is Prospero then characters such as Ariel and Caliban who have links to supernatural.
4 – Conclusion
Come to a firm conclusion use your analysis of magic and supernatural to sum up what the significance is of presenting magic and the supernatural in the play.
Consider the final scene of the play. How appropriate is this as an ending to Shakespeare’s final play?
The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the importance of the final scene.
You need to be aware that this is not just the final scene of this play, but is also the final scene of Shakespeare's career.
The examiner would expect you to make a link between Shakespeare’s gift and Prospero’s gift.
You will need to develop a close reading of the play.
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going explore the final scene and decide whether or not it is an appropriate ending to the final scene of Shakespeare’s career.
2 –The Final Scene
Analyse the final scene why is it important? What is the significance of this scene? Don’t narrate the scene but analyse the scene – looking at language used and why the scene is significance?
3 - Is it appropriate?
This is where you need to argue whether or not you believe this scene is appropriate.
Firstly discuss the scene as an appropriate ending to the play and then explore it as an ending to Shakespeare’s final play.
4 – The Prospero – Shakespeare LINK
Consider how Shakespeare uses the character of Prospero to mirror his own experience e.g. They both give up their gift at the end of the play.
Use of quotations to support your ideas.
5 – Conclusion
Come to a firm conclusion is this or is it not an appropriate ending to the play and to Shakespeare’s career.
What do you find interesting about the way magic is used to manipulate and intimidate characters in the play?
The examiner wants to see that you understand the theme of magic and wants you to analyse how magic is used to manipulate and intimidate people.
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going to explore the way in which magic is used to manipulate and intimidate characters in the play.
2 – Manipulation and Intimidation
Select relevant examples of where magic is used to manipulate characters.
Select examples of where magic is used to intimidate.
Remember to be accurate and use relevant quotations
3 - Why Manipulate and Intimidate?
You must now consider the ‘interesting’ part of this question.
How and why is manipulation and intimidation used?
What does this do to the play?
Why is it interesting?
Remember that the play is about power. Magic allows Prospero to seek revenge and gain forgiveness.
4 – Conclusion
Come to a firm conclusion what is interesting about the use of magic?
How is it used?
Sum up your close reading of the text to come to a relevant conclusion.
How does Shakespeare present the idea of forgiveness at the end of the play?
The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the theme of forgiveness in this play and why forgiveness is so important.
They also want you to look at how forgiveness is presented.
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going to look at the theme of forgiveness and how forgiveness is presented as a theme in the play.
2 – Forgiveness as a theme
Consider forgiveness as a theme, select examples from the play where forgiveness is shown.
Be relevant and consider the importance of forgiveness.
3 - Presentation of forgiveness
Focus this section on the last scene of the play.
How is forgiveness presented?
Is it given freely and without judgement?
Or is it conditional?
Why is it conditional/free?
What effect does this idea of forgiveness have on the whole play?
You will need to complete a close reading of the last scene.
4 – Conclusion
Come to a firm conclusion how does Shakespeare present forgiveness?
Why does he present it in this way?
What is the effect of this forgiveness on the last scene?
How far do you agree that The Tempest is a play about the use and abuse of power? Consider how Shakespeare dramatises the exercise of power and what the play suggests about the responsibilities of power.
The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the concept of power and how power is used in the play and who it is used by.
The examiner also wants you to consider who has the right to power and what responsibilities come with that power.
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going to consider power as a concept in the play and you are going to argue whether or not you agree with the above statement.
2 – Power
Consider the use of power in the play.
When is power used?
Is power used for good and evil?
Is power abused? How? Where? Why?
3 - The exercise of power
How is power exercised in the play?
Consider specific examples and comment on words and actions of characters to show how power is exercised.
4 – Scout
You must now consider what the play is saying about power.
Is power viewed as a positive or negative concept in the play?
Why is it viewed in this way?
What does the play suggest about the responsibilities of power?
5 – Conclusion
Come to a firm conclusion do you or do you not agree with the statement?
To what extent do you or do you not agree?
Maybe end with a quotation
Discuss the role and significance of Caliban in The Tempest. Consider how the character of Caliban is presented, Caliban’s contribution to the themes and dramatic effects of the play.
The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the character of Caliban and how Caliban is presented in the play.
1 – Introduction
What are you going to do? You are going to consider the role of Caliban in the play, how he is presented and how he contributes to the themes and drama in the play.
2 – Caliban’s presentation
Consider how Caliban is presented in the play.
What is Caliban like?
How does Caliban behave?
Consider Caliban’s actions and words.
How does this link to Caliban’s presentation, is he presented as something evil or good, is he a negative or positive influence on the play.
Consider the language Shakespeare uses to present and describe Caliban.
3 - Caliban’s Contributions
Consider how Caliban contributes to the themes and dramatic effects of the play.
Select two or three scenes to analyse which show Caliban’s role and contribution to the play.
Focus on language and Caliban’s actions and words.
4 – Conclusion
Come to a firm conclusion using your analysis of Caliban sum up why Caliban is significant in the play.