OCR A-Level Art and Design Past Papers

OCR A-Level Art and Design past exam papers. You can download the papers by clicking on the links below.

OCR Art and Design past exam papers

June 2018 (Specification H200, H600)

A-Level in Art and Design – H600/02 – H606/02 Externally Set Task  – Download Paper

As Level in Art and Design – H200/01 – H206/01 Externally Set Task  – Download Paper


OCR Art and Design past exam papers

June 2017 (Specification H200, H600)

As Level in Art and Design – H600/02 – H606/02 Externally Set Task  – Download Paper

This paper cover the following Specifications:

Art, Craft and Design (H600/01 and 02)

Fine Art (H601/01 and 02)

Graphic Communications (H602/01 and 02)

Photography (H603/01 and 02)

Textile Design (H604/01 and 02)

Three Dimensional Design (H605/01 and 02)

Critical and Contextual Studies (H606/01 and 02)


June 2016 (Specification H200, H600)

As Level in Art and Design – H200/01 – H206/01 Externally Set Task  – Download Paper

This paper cover the following Specifications:

Art, Craft and Design (H200)

Fine Art (H201)

Graphic Communications (H202)

Photography (H203)

Textile Design (H204)

Three Dimensional Design (H205)

Critical and Contextual Studies (H206)

June 2016 (Specification H160, H560)

Art and Design – F421/01 – F426/01 Controlled Assessment – Download Paper

Art and Design - F441/01 – F446/01 Controlled Assessment – Download Paper

Both papers cover the following Specifications:

Art and Design

Fine Art

Graphic Communications


Textile Design

Three Dimensional Design

Critical and Contextual Studies


June 2015 (Specification H160, H560)

Art and Design – F421/01 – F426/01 Controlled Assessment – Download Paper

Art and Design - F441/01 – F446/01 Controlled Assessment – Download Paper

Both papers cover the following Specifications:

Art and Design

Fine Art

Graphic Communications


Textile Design

Three Dimensional Design

Critical and Contextual Studies


OCR Art and Design past exam papers

June 2014 (Specification H160, H560)

Art and Design – F421/01 – F426/01 Controlled Assessment – Download Paper

Art and Design - F441/01 – F446/01 Controlled Assessment – Download Paper

Both papers cover the following Specifications:

Art and Design

Fine Art

Graphic Communications


Textile Design

Three Dimensional Design

Critical and Contextual Studies

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