Question 10
Why did the Cold War in Europe come to an end?
- 1979-1986 a new Cold War developing
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan convinced the US that the Soviet Union hadn’t changed after 30 years and was still trying to impose itself on other states
- Soviets felt threatened by US deployment of new weapons such as cruise missiles in Europe
- Third World conflicts also affected East-West relations especially in the Middle East and Latin America
- Another factor was the emergence of new leaders in both countries
- Brezhnev died 1982 and was followed by Andropov and Chernenko in quick succession
- Both of them were old and unwell
- Their unexpected deaths took place quickly causing instability in both the USSR and in relations with the US
- The 1980 election in the US brought in a new President and with him, a great impact on the Cold War
Ronald Reagan
- Carter’s Foreign Policy had been weak and indecisive
- The Republican Reagan brought in an aggressive, patriotic Foreign Policy
- Believed the US should support its friends even if they were dictators
- US should oppose its enemies and use force if needed
- Called the USSR ‘the evil empire’
- Said all the troubles in the world could be traced back to the Soviets who were bent on world domination
- How much he really believed that they were an ‘evil empire’ is debatable
- Reagan’s supporters say he knew the USSR was getting weak internally, its economy was in poor condition and the war in Afghanistan was putting a strain on it and on Soviet society
- Thus if the US put them under further pressure, they could be forced to negotiate over arms and begin reform of the USSR
- Others feel that Reagan did believe the USSR was behind most of the world’s troubles
- He was a fervent capitalist who detested the communist system
- They had been increasing their influence in Africa and Latin America, so he was convinced they were trying to take over the world
- Whatever the truth, Reagan pursued an uncompromising Cold War policy
Arms Reduction
- The USA under Reagan embarked on the biggest arms build-up in its history
- 1980s, $550 billion a year was being spent on conventional and nuclear weapons
- New systems were being developed e.g. the Stealth Bomber and the neutron bomb (called the capitalist bomb by the Soviets because it would kill people but not property)
- 1983 cruise missiles were sent to bases in Europe
- This made these areas targets
- It led to protests including the 7 year protest at Greenham Common in England
- Reagan was also willing to talk about arms control
- He knew that the US had to negotiate from a position of strength or it would be seen as weak and would be vulnerable to attack
1982 Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START)
- Began in Geneva but failed to reach agreement
- Basic problem – the two sides didn’t trust each other
- During the talks, the Soviets clamped down on ‘Solidarity’, a democratic trade union movement in Poland
- In 1983 Soviets shot down a Korean passenger plane killing 269 people
- Reagan saw it as typical communist aggression
- Soviets distrusted the Americans because during the talks they refused to include NATO in arms reduction – they seemed to want more than they were willing to give up
Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
- 1983 Reagan announced SDI, nicknamed ‘star wars’
- Its job was to be a defence shield to destroy missiles fired at the USA while they were still in space
- Although some scientists thought it wouldn’t work, if it did work, Soviet missiles would be useless while the USSR would still be open to attack
- To them, it appeared that the USA was talking peace but this wasn’t reflected in their actions
How Gorbachev affected the Cold War
- 1985, Gorbachev became the new Soviet leader
- Launched new programme of reform in USSR
- US feared these would strengthen USSR and improve its position in the Cold War
- Prime Minister Thatcher said she could ‘do business’ with Gorbachev but early meetings between Reagan and Gorbachev didn’t go well
- Meetings in Geneva (1985) and Reykjavik (1986) produced no real agreement on arms
- They discussed the types of weapons to be limited and whether current agreements were being kept
- Real bone of contention was SDI
- 1987 signed Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
- This was a major achievement because for the first time there were to be reductions in weapons
- Intermediate-range weapons were to be dismantled and there were to be inspections to ensure that both sides were keeping to the deal
- 1988 the first weapons were dismantled
Why was there an improvement?
- Some credit Reagan’s military expansion with forcing USSR into a position where it couldn’t afford to keep up with the US
- The build up also worried America’s allies and the public about the number of nuclear weapons in existence
- The concern about nuclear proliferation increased in 1986 with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the Ukraine which polluted land and atmosphere as far away as Wales
- An important factor was the relationship between Reagan and Gorbachev which had become very productive
- Reagan saw that Gorbachev really wanted a better relationship with the West and so he altered his stance on the ‘evil empire’ to more compromising
- Relations improved further when Reagan visited Moscow in 1988
- However the INF treaty only cut out one class of missile –there were still thousands in existence – but it was a start
Why did communism collapse in Eastern Europe?
- The roots of this lay in Soviet and Russian history, but the Cold War played an important part
- The American policy of containment over the previous 49 years meant that the USSR had to spend huge sums on arms – thus this money was not available to improve the living conditions of the people
- Reagan’s huge increase in arms spending meant that this got worse
- To carry out his reforms Gorbachev had to reduce the Soviet military
- This encouraged the satellite states to reform too without fear that the Red Army would intervene this time
- Change began to happen rapidly from 1989
- The border between Austria and Hungary was opened allowing people to travel from East Germany to the West through Hungary and Austria
- Because this movement became a flood, Gorbachev advised East Germany to open the Berlin Wall so that they could travel directly to the West
- 9th November 1989 the Wall was opened – the end of the Cold War had started
The American response
- The new President George Bush was slow to react especially when the Warsaw Pact collapsed at the end of 1989
- Bush was intelligent and well-travelled and he saw that the change in Eastern Europe was so rapid that it would be best for the US to move slowly and avoid serious errors
- The USSR still had its nuclear weapons and one of the most powerful armies in the world
- During 1989 there were meetings between Secretary of State James Baker and Russian Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze
- They talked about the ongoing changes in the Soviet Union and the East, and discussed beginning the START talks again
- This time the Soviets said they would accept US development of SDI, thus removing a major obstacle to an agreement
- June 1990 Bush and Gorbachev met in Washington
- Cuts were agreed in chemical weapons and long-range nuclear weapons
- This was made formal in July in START 1
- Both countries were limited to 1,600 nuclear delivery vehicles (bombers and submarines etc) and 6,000 nuclear devices
- This was a reduction in weapons and allowed for verification
- There were to be greater contacts between the two powers and increased trade
- Spring 1990, the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania declared independence from Moscow, followed by the Ukraine
- In Romania, East Germany and elsewhere in the Eastern Bloc dictators were being pressured into resigning and were being replaced by democratic governments
- Gorbachev became a victim as he was too closely identified with the old regime