Question 5
Why was it possible to form the European Economic Community but not a European Defence Community?
Paragraph One
- Time not right in early 50s to pool sovereignty in Western Europe
- No West German state before this time
- Bitter memories of war
- Late 50s reassertion of national consciousness e.g. France under De Gaulle
- 1950 French initiatives:
- Schuman Plan led to European Coal and Steel Community and later to EEC
- Pleven Plan for European Defence Community (failed) – defence closer to national sovereignty
Paragraph Two
- These French plans were attempts to offset the dangers of German recovery:
- Economic: ECSC to secure supplies of German coking coal and to keep international control over the Ruhr
- Military: EDC an alternative to US plan to create West German armed forces by setting up a European force with German units in it and a multinational command
- EDC treaty signed 1952 but defeated 1954 by French Parliament
Paragraph Three
- Reasons for rejection of treaty:
- French premier Mendes-France lukewarm
- Stalin died 1953 – reduced tension
- Great Britain reluctant to participate
- October 1954 Paris accords provided for a West German army to be balanced by Great Britain’s commitment to station an army on the continent indefinitely
- This settlement of defence matters made further integration easier
Paragraph Four
- ECSC ‘six’ accepted principle of EEC at Messina (June 1955) 4 reasons for success of this:
- The project was presented as a broadening of ECSC not leading on to political unity and thus infringing on national sovereignty
- The Hungarian Revolt (1956) revived the Cold War
- Great Britain’s absence less serious than for EDC – negotiations simpler too
- Struck successful balance between French interests and German need for bigger export markets – French got:
- European help for French civil nuclear programme (Euratom)
- European aid for French colonies
- Special transitional arrangements to protect French industry
- EDC a more ambitious project than EEC – latter built on success of ECSC
- Vital factor – France’s attitude; they had satisfactory assurances over EEC but not EDC