Question 1
Which was the most important, diplomacy or war, in the course of German Unification between 1862 and 1871?
Be careful here; war and diplomacy are not alternatives. War is diplomacy by another means and this should be stated in your answer
Paragraph One
- Diplomacy and war are separable parts of a state’s dealings with other states
- It can never be certain when diplomatic bluffs will fail and war result
Paragraph Two
- Narrative of the earlier part of unification:
- Polish revolt – Bismarck’s support for Russian Tsar
- Schleswig-Holstein 1848 dispute, 1852 Treaty of London and cession of Christian IX of Denmark
- Prussia and Austria invaded duchies (Schleswig to Prussia and Holstein to Austria)
Paragraph Three
- Narrative of next stage:
- Bismarck’s negotiations with Italy and meeting with Napoleon at Biarritz (1865)
- Bismarck engineered dispute with Austria over duchies after Convention of Gastein (give reasons)
- Austro-Prussian War –easy Prussian victory (plus reasons)
Paragraph Four
- North German Confederation (1867) under Prussia
- Its constitution was nucleus of 1871 Empire
- Gradual accommodation between the confederation and South German states
- Bismarck formed secret alliances with these states
Paragraph Five
- Spanish rising and abdication of Isabella – Bismarck suggested Hohenzollern for throne of Spain
- French objections and Ems telegram – Franco-Prussian War plus reasons for Prussian victory – Establishment of German Empire
Paragraph Six
- Importance of diplomacy:
- Most active diplomacy just before 1866 and 1870 wars – directed towards preventing them
- Bismarck’s diplomacy could not have brought about unification alone, but, was important enabling factor
- It secured Russian neutrality; and Italy and France 1866
- Austria deliberately not humiliated after 1866 war (may have prevented them joining French 1870)
Paragraph Seven
- In the end it was on the battlefield that German unity was forged – diplomacy played secondary role