Question 2
Why was the Second Republic in France replaced by a Second Empire?
Paragraph One
- Origins of 2nd Republic – begin with causes of February Revolution
- Divisions in provisional government i.e. middle class republicans versus socialists (Lamartine and Louis Blanc)
- National Assembly’s attack on Blanc’s national workshops scheme caused insurrection and its suppression in the ‘June Days’
- This caused fear throughout France but not among the workers of Paris, Marseilles and Lyons
Paragraph Two
- National Assembly decided to set up a Republic with an elected president (4 year term) by universal suffrage
- Examine the candidates
- Louis Napoleon’s background, character, ideas and previous attempts at a coup, prison and exile. He was almost unknown when he arrived in France (1848)
Paragraph Three
- Reasons for his success in presidential elections:
- Saw that most people wanted stability after the disorder of the ‘June Days’
- Middle class and peasants feared Socialism
- Provincial France wanted revenge on Paris – latter had made the February Revolution
- Glamour attached to name and associations of Louis Nap.
- Conservative monarchists supported him due to divisions between Orleanists and Bourbons in their ranks
- Workers preferred him to Lamartine and Cavaignac, their June oppressors
Paragraph Four
- Louis Nap used this good will to get support or tolerance of the Empire
- His ambitions and desire to emulate his uncle
Paragraph Five
- Courted conservative support by Rome expedition and the education law (Loi Falloux) – almost achieved his ambition through constitutional means
- Role of clergy in getting public opinion behind him
Paragraph Six
- Coup of 2nd December – controlled use of force
- 1852 plebiscite confirmed him as emperor
- Reasons for lack of opposition and his skilled management
Paragraph Seven
- Conclusion
- Republic short-lived – President survived through political skill and sympathy with the hopes and dreams of ordinary people
- The problem with the constitution – Napoleon never solved the problem of the relationship between the executive and the legislature – constitution too rigid – force needed to make changes