Question 3
Were economic and social problems the main reason for the failure of the Revolution in February 1848?
- Deal with the given factor adequately even if you wish to argue that other factors were as or more significant.
- In relation to the given factor refer to the impact of:
- the longer term problem of poverty and social unrest;
- the impact of poor harvests in 1845-6;
- the international financial crisis from 1846;
- over-investment in railways;
- rising unemployment
- cutbacks in production.
- The distress and unrest associated with these developments may be linked to:
- the apparent indifference of the government,
- the growth of political opposition (liberals, Bonapartists, socialists),
- the desire for reform (Reform Banquets),
- foreign policy failures and lack of glories,
- the lack of will of the monarch.