Question 5

Was Cavour’s diplomacy more important than Garibaldi’s actions in the struggle for Italian Unification?

  • Looking at Cavour’s diplomacy – did he have far-seeing plans for unification with diplomacy accordingly pre-arranged, or did he respond to circumstances to get advantage for unification (on Piedmontese terms if possible)?
  • Involvement in Crimean War - Cavour cultivating Great Power support for a pre-planned unification exercise?
  • More likely to be a response to Anglo-French pressure to force Austrian entry into the war
  • Central is the 1858 meeting with Louis Napoleon at Plombieres
  • 2 possibilities:
    • Cavour tried to embroil France in war with Austria with his pre-conceived aim being the Piedmontisation of northern and central Italy
    • Or he took advantage of French policy
  • France’s gains:
    • Nice and Savoy
    • The proposed Papal Confederation abandoned
    • Austria defeated by Franco-Piedmontese force
  • 1859 war drove Austria out of Lombardy
  • After Magenta and Solferino France forced the early peace of Villafranca which denied Cavour the full rewards of victory – he resigned
  • 1860 back in power and manipulated plebiscites in the Duchies securing union with Piedmont
  • Secured French support by confirming cession of Nice and Savoy
  • Louis Napoleon against the formation of a strong united Italian state which might challenge France’s strength in Europe
  • Cavour has been given the credit for successfully manipulating the French to ease their fears and retain their support for his unification plans

The Climax

  • It is Cavour’s response to Garibaldi’s Sicilian expedition of 1860
  • There may be doubts concerning Cavour’s commitment to unification but it is not the case with Garibaldi ;
    • Fiery Mazzinian Republican frustrated by Cavour’s hesitant diplomacy
    • His military ability shown in successful invasion of Sicily and southern Italy
    • This precipitated the final stage of unification which would not have happened so soon otherwise
    • His penchant for direct action shown in his earlier defence of Rome (1849) and as a dreamer of unrealistic military enterprises
    • Note the contrast with Cavour’s diplomacy – shows Garibaldi’s lack of understanding of the complexity of problems facing unification
    • Unlikely that his direct action would have achieved unification unaided
    • His success in 1860 brought Cavour’s response which forestalled international intervention as Garibaldi moved to capture Rome
    • Garibaldi distrusted by Cavour and acted to control events in the interests of Victor Emanuel
  • Piedmontese invasion of Papal states contained Garibaldi’s initiative
  • 1861 Kingdom of Italy
  • Seems that Garibaldi bounced Cavour into actions resulting in the unification
  • The big question – how far did Cavour create a desired unified Italy, or how far was he led as an opportunist to change his approach by Garibaldi, from limited Piedmontisation to the incorporation of the whole of Italy.
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