Demonstrative Adjectives in French
This section explains demonstrative adjectives in French and includes tips for students studying foundation and higher tiers.
What is a Demonstrative Adjective?
Demonstrative adjectives are used to point out specific people or things. In English, they are "this, that, these, those". In French, they must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe.
Foundation Tier: Basic Demonstrative Adjectives
English | Masculine Singular | Feminine Singular | Masculine Plural | Feminine Plural |
This / That | ce | cette | ces | ces |
This / That (before vowel or silent 'h') | cet | - | - | - |
These / Those | ces | ces | ces | ces |
đź“Ś Key Rule:
- Ce is used for masculine singular nouns (ce livre → this/that book).
- Cet is used before masculine singular nouns that start with a vowel or silent 'h' (cet hôtel → this/that hotel).
- Cette is used for feminine singular nouns (cette maison → this/that house).
- Ces is used for all plural nouns (ces voitures → these/those cars).
Foundation Tier Examples
French Sentence | English Translation |
Ce chien est mignon. | This/That dog is cute. |
Cette fille est intelligente. | This/That girl is intelligent. |
Cet homme est sympa. | This/That man is nice. |
Ces enfants jouent dans le parc. | These/Those children are playing in the park. |
Higher Tier: Adding "-ci" and "-là " for Clarity (Niveau supérieur : utilisation de "-ci" et "-là ")
To distinguish between "this" and "that" or "these" and "those", add:
- "-ci" (here) → to specify something closer
- "-là " (there) → to specify something further away
French | English Translation |
Ce livre-ci | This book (here) |
Ce livre-lĂ | That book (there) |
Cette robe-ci est plus jolie. | This dress (here) is prettier. |
Ces chaussures-là sont chères. | Those shoes (there) are expensive. |
Higher Tier: Common Phrases Using Demonstrative Adjectives
French Sentence | English Translation |
J’aime cet acteur. | I like this/that actor. |
Regarde ces Ă©toiles dans le ciel ! | Look at these/those stars in the sky! |
Ce film-ci est meilleur que ce film-lĂ . | This film (here) is better than that film (there). |
Cette idée-là n’est pas bonne. | That idea (there) isn’t good. |
Common Mistakes to Avoid
❌ Ce amie est gentille. → ✅Cet amie est gentille. (Use "cet" before a vowel sound!)
❌Ces enfant jouent au foot. → ✅ Ces enfants jouent au foot. (Plural agreement!)
❌Ce avion est grand. → ✅ Cet avion est grand. ("Avion" starts with a vowel, so use "cet"!)
Key Takeaways
âś… Ce, cet, cette, ces must agree in gender and number with the noun.
âś…Use "cet" before masculine nouns starting with a vowel or silent 'h'.
âś…Use "-ci" for "this/these" and "-lĂ " for "that/those".
âś…Ces is used for all plural nouns, regardless of gender.