Gender and Number Agreement of Adjectives in French

This section explains gender and number adjective agreements in French and includes tips for students studying foundation and higher tiers.

What is Adjective Agreement?

In French, adjectives must agree in gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural) with the noun they describe. This is different from English, where adjectives remain the same.

Foundation Tier: Basic Rules 

Masculine and Feminine Forms (Formes masculine et féminine)

  • Most adjectives add "-e" to form the feminine.
    • Masculine: grand (tall) → Feminine: grande (tall)
    • Masculine: petit (small) → Feminine: petite (small)
  • Adjectives ending in "-e" remain the same in the feminine form.
    • Masculine & Feminine: jeune (young), facile (easy)
  • Adjectives ending in "-x" change to "-se" in the feminine.
    • Masculine: heureux (happy) → Feminine: heureuse (happy)
    • Masculine: curieux (curious) → Feminine: curieuse (curious)
  • Adjectives ending in "-f" change to "-ve" in the feminine.
    • Masculine: actif (active) → Feminine: active (active)
    • Masculine: sportif (sporty) → Feminine: sportive (sporty)

Foundation Tier Examples

French Adjective (M)French Adjective (F)English Translation
jeunejeuneyoung (no change)

Singular and Plural Forms

To make an adjective plural, add "-s" to the singular form:

  • Masculine Singular: grand (tall)
  • Masculine Plural: grands (tall)
  • Feminine Singular: grande (tall)
  • Feminine Plural: grandes (tall)

⚠️ If an adjective already ends in "-s" or "-x" in the masculine singular, it stays the same in the masculine plural.

  • Masculine Singular: heureux (happy) → Masculine Plural: heureux (happy)
  • Masculine Singular: gris (grey) → Masculine Plural: gris (grey)

Foundation Tier Examples

Singular (M/F)Plural (M/F)English Translation
grand / grandegrands / grandestall
petit / petitepetits / petitessmall
heureux / heureuseheureux / heureuseshappy
gris / grisegris / grisesgrey

Higher Tier: Irregular Adjective Forms 

Some adjectives have irregular masculine and feminine forms.

Adjectives Ending in "-er" Change to "-ère" in the Feminine

  • Masculine: cher (expensive/dear) → Feminine: chère
  • Masculine: premier (first) → Feminine: première

Adjectives Ending in "-eur" Change to "-euse" in the Feminine

  • Masculine: travailleur (hardworking) → Feminine: travailleuse
  • Masculine: menteur (lying) → Feminine: menteuse

Adjectives That Completely Change in the Feminine

Masculine FormFeminine FormEnglish Translation

Higher Tier: Position of Adjectives 

Most adjectives go after the noun

In French, most adjectives come after the noun:

  • Une voiture rouge. (A red car.)
  • Un homme intelligent. (An intelligent man.)

Some common adjectives go before the noun

A small group of adjectives go before the noun. These include:
BBeauty (beau, joli)
AAge (jeune, vieux, nouveau)
NNumber (premier, deuxième)
GGoodness (bon, mauvais)
SSize (grand, petit, gros)


  • Un joli chien (A pretty dog)
  • Une vieille maison (An old house)
  • Un bon livre (A good book)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Un voiture rouge. → ✅Une voiture rouge. (Adjective must match the noun's gender.)
Il est belle. → ✅ Il est beau. (Use "beau" for masculine and "belle" for feminine.)
Les maison sont grandes. → ✅ Les maisons sont grandes. (Plural adjectives must agree with plural nouns.)
Un homme petit. → ✅ Un petit homme. (Size adjectives go before the noun.)

Key Takeaways

Adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun.
Most adjectives add "-e" for the feminine form (but some are irregular).
Plural adjectives usually add "-s", except for those ending in "-s" or "-x" already.
Most adjectives go after the noun, but some (BANGS) go before.

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