Possessive Adjectives in French

This section explains possessive adjectives in French and includes tips for students studying foundation and higher tiers.

What is a Possessive Adjective? 

Possessive adjectives are used to show ownership or possession. In English, they are "my, your, his, her, our, their", but in French, they must agree with the gender and number of the noun they describe, not the owner.

For example:

  • Mon frère (My brother) – "Mon" is masculine because "frère" is masculine.
  • Ma sœur (My sister) – "Ma" is feminine because "sœur" is feminine.

Foundation Tier: Basic Possessive Adjectives

EnglishMasculine SingularFeminine SingularPlural (M & F)
Your (informal)tontates
His / Her / Itssonsases
Your (formal/plural)votrevotrevos

📌 Key Rule: The possessive adjective agrees with the noun, not the owner.

  • Paul aime son chien. (Paul loves his dog.)
  • Sophie aime son chien. (Sophie loves her dog.)
    (Even though Sophie is female, we use "son" because "chien" is masculine.)

Foundation Tier Examples

French SentenceEnglish Translation
Mon père est gentil.My father is kind.
Ma mère est intelligente.My mother is intelligent.
Mes amis sont sympas.My friends are nice.
Ton frère est drôle.Your brother is funny.
Ta maison est belle.Your house is beautiful.
Tes livres sont intéressants.Your books are interesting.
Son oncle est anglais.His/Her uncle is English.
Sa tante habite à Paris.His/Her aunt lives in Paris.
Ses cousins sont français.His/Her cousins are French.

Higher Tier: Special Rules & Exceptions

Using "Mon" Instead of "Ma" Before a Vowel (Mon, Ton, Son)

If a feminine noun starts with a vowel or silent "h", use mon, ton, son instead of ma, ta, sa to improve pronunciation.

Incorrect (❌)Correct (✅)English
Ma amieMon amieMy (female) friend
Ta écoleTon écoleYour school
Sa histoireSon histoireHis/her story

Possessive Adjectives with Plural Nouns

For plural nouns, use mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs (regardless of gender).

  • Mes frères et sœurs sont intelligents. (My brothers and sisters are intelligent.)
  • Leurs enfants sont adorables. (Their children are adorable.)

Using "de" Instead of Possessive Adjectives

In French, "de + noun" is often used instead of possessive adjectives for clarity.

  • C'est le livre de Paul. (It's Paul's book.)
  • C'est la voiture de ma mère. (It's my mother's car.)

📌 Key Difference: In English, we say "Paul's book," but in French, we say "the book of Paul" (le livre de Paul).

Difference Between "Votre" and "Vos" / "Leur" and "Leurs"

FrenchEnglishExample SentenceEnglish Translation
Votre (singular)Your (formal/plural)Votre maison est grande.Your house is big.
Vos (plural)Your (formal/plural)Vos enfants sont polis.Your children are polite.
Leur (singular)TheirLeur père est médecin.Their father is a doctor.
Leurs (plural)TheirLeurs amis sont sympas.Their friends are nice.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Ma amie est sympa. → ✅Mon amie est sympa. (Use "mon" before vowels!)
Ses parents est gentils. → ✅ Ses parents sont gentils. (Verb agreement needed!)
Leur livres sont intéressants. → ✅ Leurs livres sont intéressants. (Use "leurs" for plural nouns!)
C’est Paul livre. → ✅ C’est le livre de Paul. (French does not use apostrophe s!)

Key Takeaways 

Possessive adjectives agree with the noun, not the owner (son frère / sa sœur).
Use "mon, ton, son" before a vowel, even if the noun is feminine (mon amie).
Use "mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs" for plural nouns (leurs enfants).
Use "de + noun" to express possession instead of "'s" (le livre de Sophie).

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