The Prepositions 'à' and 'de' in French

This section explains The Prepositions 'à' and 'de' in French. In French, the prepositions à and de are essential for expressing location, possession, direction, and various other relationships between words. These prepositions can be tricky because they are used in many different contexts, but understanding their usage is key to mastering French grammar.

The Preposition 'à'

The preposition à is most commonly used to express:

  • Location: Where something is.
  • Direction: Where someone or something is going.
  • Possession: Indicating a relationship of ownership.
  • Time: Referring to specific times.

Common Uses of 'à':

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
àat, to, inJe vais à l'école.I am going to school.
àat, inNous sommes à Paris.We are in Paris.
àto (with places, cities, etc.)Il habite à Lyon.He lives in Lyon.
àat (specific time)Le film commence à 20h.The film starts at 8pm.
àto (possession or relation)C'est le livre à Marie.It's Marie’s book.

Examples with 'à':

  1. Nous allons à la plage.
    • Translation: We are going to the beach.
  2. Il est à l'école maintenant.
    • Translation: He is at school now.
  3. Le match commence à midi.
    • Translation: The match starts at midday.
  4. J'aime à lire.
    • Translation: I like to read.

The Preposition 'de'

The preposition de is used to express:

  • Origin: Where something or someone is from.
  • Possession: Indicating ownership.
  • Quantity: Used in expressions of quantity.
  • Material: Referring to the material something is made of.

Common Uses of 'de':

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
defrom, of, aboutJe viens de Londres.I come from London.
deof (possession)C'est le livre de Paul.It's Paul's book.
deabout, concerningJe parle de mon travail.I am talking about my work.
demade of (material)La table est en bois, mais la chaise est en métal.The table is made of wood, but the chair is made of metal.
defrom (a place or a point)Le train part de la gare.The train leaves from the station.

Examples with 'de':

  1. Elle vient de France.
    • Translation: She comes from France.
  2. C'est le sac de Marie.
    • Translation: It's Marie’s bag.
  3. Le film parle de la guerre.
    • Translation: The film is about the war.
  4. La porte est faite de bois.
    • Translation: The door is made of wood.

When 'à' and 'de' Combine:

Sometimes, the prepositions à and de combine to form contractions with articles (le, la, les). This is common when you're expressing locations or possession involving specific objects.

Contractions with 'à':

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
à + leauto the, at the (masc. sing.)Je vais au parc.I am going to the park.
à + laà lato the, at the (fem. sing.)Elle va à la bibliothèque.She is going to the library.
à + lesauxto the, at the (plural)Ils vont aux magasins.They are going to the shops.

Contractions with 'de':

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
de + leduof the (masc. sing.)Le livre du professeur est sur la table.The teacher’s book is on the table.
de + lade laof the (fem. sing.)La couleur de la voiture est rouge.The colour of the car is red.
de + lesdesof the (plural)J'ai besoin des stylos.I need some pens.

Examples with Contractions:

  1. Je vais au cinéma ce soir.
    • Translation: I am going to the cinema tonight.
  2. Elle parle à la prof.
    • Translation: She is speaking to the teacher.
  3. Il vient du parc.
    • Translation: He is coming from the park.
  4. Les enfants jouent dans les jardins.
    • Translation: The children are playing in the gardens.

Summary of Key Differences:

  • Use à for direction (to), location (at, in), and time (at).
  • Use de for origin (from), possession (of), and material (made of).
  • à and de often contract with le, la, les to form au, à la, aux (for à) and du, de la, des (for de).

These notes will help you understand the uses of the prepositions à and de in both Foundation and Higher Tier GCSE French. Practice with these examples to get comfortable using them in different contexts.

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