Irregular Verbs: Present Tense in French

This section explains Present Tense Irregular Verbs in French. In French, some verbs don’t follow the regular conjugation patterns. These verbs are called irregular verbs. You will need to memorise their unique forms in the present tense. Irregular verbs are crucial for both Foundation and Higher Tier students, as they are often used in everyday speech.

Common Irregular Verbs in the Present Tense

Être (to be)

Être is one of the most important irregular verbs in French. Here’s how it is conjugated in the present tense:

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
Je suisI amJe suis étudiant.I am a student.
Tu esYou are (informal)Tu es mon ami.You are my friend.
Il/elle/on estHe/she/one isIl est professeur.He is a teacher.
Nous sommesWe areNous sommes contents.We are happy.
Vous êtesYou are (formal/plural)Vous êtes en retard.You are late.
Ils/elles sontThey areIls sont à l’école.They are at school.

Avoir (to have)

Avoir is another essential irregular verb. Here is the conjugation in the present tense:

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
J’aiI haveJ’ai un frère.I have a brother.
Tu asYou have (informal)Tu as une idée.You have an idea.
Il/elle/on aHe/she/one hasElle a un chat.She has a cat.
Nous avonsWe haveNous avons une voiture.We have a car.
Vous avezYou have (formal/plural)Vous avez une maison.You have a house.
Ils/elles ontThey haveIls ont un projet.They have a project.

Aller (to go)

Aller is used frequently in French, and its present tense conjugation is irregular. Here is how it is conjugated:

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
Je vaisI goJe vais au cinéma.I go to the cinema.
Tu vasYou go (informal)Tu vas à l’école.You go to school.
Il/elle/on vaHe/she/one goesIl va en France.He goes to France.
Nous allonsWe goNous allons à la plage.We go to the beach.
Vous allezYou go (formal/plural)Vous allez à la piscine.You go to the pool.
Ils/elles vontThey goIls vont au parc.They go to the park.

Irregular Verbs with Stem Changes

Some irregular verbs have a stem change in the present tense. The conjugation may appear similar to regular verbs, but the stem of the verb changes. Here are some examples:

Faire (to do/make)

Faire is an irregular verb because its stem changes in the present tense:

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
Je faisI do/makeJe fais mes devoirs.I do my homework.
Tu faisYou do/make (informal)Tu fais du sport.You do sport.
Il/elle/on faitHe/she/one does/makesElle fait une pause.She makes a break.
Nous faisonsWe do/makeNous faisons un gâteau.We make a cake.
Vous faitesYou do/make (formal/plural)Vous faites un voyage.You make a trip.
Ils/elles fontThey do/makeIls font du shopping.They do shopping.

Venir (to come)

Venir is another verb with a stem change:

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
Je viensI comeJe viens de France.I come from France.
Tu viensYou come (informal)Tu viens de l’école.You come from school.
Il/elle/on vientHe/she/one comesElle vient avec nous.She comes with us.
Nous venonsWe comeNous venons à la fête.We come to the party.
Vous venezYou come (formal/plural)Vous venez demain.You come tomorrow.
Ils/elles viennentThey comeIls viennent de loin.They come from afar.

Irregular -IR Verbs

Some -ir verbs are irregular in the present tense, like dormir (to sleep) and partir (to leave). These verbs follow a slightly different pattern from regular -ir verbs.

Dormir (to sleep)

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
Je dorsI sleepJe dors huit heures par nuit.I sleep eight hours a night.
Tu dorsYou sleep (informal)Tu dors bien.You sleep well.
Il/elle/on dortHe/she/one sleepsElle dort sur le canapé.She sleeps on the sofa.
Nous dormonsWe sleepNous dormons dans une chambre.We sleep in a room.
Vous dormezYou sleep (formal/plural)Vous dormez tard.You sleep late.
Ils/elles dormentThey sleepIls dorment à l’hôtel.They sleep at the hotel.

Partir (to leave)

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
Je parsI leaveJe pars à 7 heures.I leave at 7 o’clock.
Tu parsYou leave (informal)Tu pars demain.You leave tomorrow.
Il/elle/on partHe/she/one leavesElle part en vacances.She leaves on holiday.
Nous partonsWe leaveNous partons ce soir.We leave this evening.
Vous partezYou leave (formal/plural)Vous partez bientôt.You leave soon.
Ils/elles partentThey leaveIls partent en train.They leave by train.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Être (to be) and avoir (to have) are highly irregular and are used in many everyday expressions and verb tenses.
  • Aller (to go) is used for expressing movement or future intentions (as a near future construction).
  • Some -ir verbs, like faire, venir, and dormir, have irregular conjugations in the present tense.
  • Remember that many irregular verbs are essential for conversation and understanding French fluently.

Higher Tier: More Complex Sentences with Irregular Verbs

At the Higher Tier, you might need to use irregular verbs in more complex sentences. Practice by incorporating them into various contexts:


  1. Je vais à l’école, mais je vais aussi au cinéma ce soir.
    • Translation: I go to school, but I am also going to the cinema this evening.
  2. Ils viennent de terminer leurs devoirs.
    • Translation: They have just finished their homework.
  3. Nous avons un examen demain, alors nous faisons des révisions.
    • Translation: We have an exam tomorrow, so we are doing some revision.

Summary of Key Points:

  • Être, avoir, and aller are key irregular verbs that you must know.
  • Many -ir verbs, such as faire, venir, dormir, and partir, have irregular present tense forms.
  • Use these verbs frequently in speaking and writing to express essential ideas in French.

Practice conjugating these irregular verbs regularly to strengthen your fluency in the present tense.

This videos covers the present tense in French.

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