Using 'Depuis' with the Present Tense in French

This section explains Using 'Depuis' with the Present Tense in French. In French, "depuis" is used to talk about actions or situations that started in the past and are still continuing in the present. It is often translated as "since" or "for" in English. You will need to use "depuis" with the present tense to describe how long something has been happening.

Basic Structure of 'Depuis'

  • "Depuis" is always followed by either a point in time (e.g., a specific year, a day of the week) or a period of time (e.g., a length of time).

[Subject] + [present tense verb] + depuis + [point in time/period of time]

Examples of Using 'Depuis' with a Point in Time

When you want to express that something started at a specific point in time and is still happening now, use "depuis" with a specific moment.

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
Je mange depuis lundi.I have been eating since Monday.Je mange des fruits depuis lundi.I have been eating fruit since Monday.
Il travaille depuis 9 heures.He has been working since 9 o'clock.Il travaille à la maison depuis 9 heures.He has been working at home since 9 o'clock.
Nous vivons ici depuis 2015.We have been living here since 2015.Nous vivons ici depuis 2015.We have been living here since 2015.

Examples of Using 'Depuis' with a Period of Time

When you want to talk about how long something has been happening, use "depuis" with a period of time (e.g., for two years, for a month).

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
Je parle français depuis 3 ans.I have been speaking French for 3 years.Je parle français depuis 3 ans.I have been speaking French for 3 years.
Ils étudient depuis deux heures.They have been studying for two hours.Ils étudient depuis deux heures.They have been studying for two hours.
Elle travaille ici depuis 6 mois.She has been working here for 6 months.Elle travaille ici depuis 6 mois.She has been working here for 6 months.

Key Points to Remember

  • 'Depuis' is used with the present tense in French to show that something started in the past and is still happening now.
  • You can use 'depuis' with both a point in time (e.g., Monday, 2015) and a period of time (e.g., 3 years, 6 months).
  • In English, the present perfect tense is used (e.g., "I have been eating"), but in French, the present tense is used with "depuis" to express this idea.

Foundation Tier Examples

At the Foundation Tier, you are expected to know how to use "depuis" with both a point in time and a period of time in simple sentences.

Point in Time Example:

Je lis un livre depuis hier.

  • Translation: I have been reading a book since yesterday.

Period of Time Example:

Nous habitons à Paris depuis deux ans.

  • Translation: We have been living in Paris for two years.

Higher Tier Examples

At the Higher Tier, you may be required to use "depuis" with more complex sentence structures or with additional details.

Point in Time Example:

Elle joue du piano depuis qu'elle a 5 ans.

  • Translation: She has been playing the piano since she was 5 years old.

Period of Time Example:

Ils étudient les sciences depuis trois heures et ils n'ont pas encore terminé.

  • Translation: They have been studying science for three hours and they haven't finished yet.

Negative Sentences with 'Depuis'

When forming negative sentences with "depuis," place the negation around the present tense verb, just as with regular negative sentences in French.

FrenchEnglishExample Sentence in FrenchTranslation in English
Je ne travaille pas depuis 10 heures.I haven’t been working for 10 hours.Je ne travaille pas depuis 10 heures.I haven’t been working for 10 hours.
Ils ne mangent pas depuis 3 jours.They haven’t been eating for 3 days.Ils ne mangent pas depuis 3 jours.They haven’t been eating for 3 days.

Summary of Key Points

  • "Depuis" is used with the present tense to express actions or situations that started in the past and are still continuing.
  • It can be used with a point in time (e.g., "since Monday") or a period of time (e.g., "for three years").
  • In English, we often use the present perfect tense ("I have been working"), but in French, you use the present tense with "depuis" to convey this idea.
  • Negative sentences with "depuis" follow the regular structure of negative sentences in French, with "ne...pas" around the verb.

Practice Questions

  • Translate into French:
    "I have been playing football for two hours."
    Answer: Je joue au football depuis deux heures.
  • Translate into English:
    Elle travaille ici depuis 5 ans.
    Answer: She has been working here for 5 years.

By understanding and practising "depuis," you’ll be able to describe ongoing actions and situations in French confidently, both for the Foundation and Higher Tier levels.

This videos covers the present tense in French.

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