Prefixes, Suffixes, and Ordinal Numbers in French

This section explains Using Prefixes, Suffixes, and Ordinal Numbers in French. In French, prefixes and suffixes help to form new words by modifying the meaning of the root word. This is useful for expanding vocabulary and understanding unfamiliar words.

Using Prefixes and Suffixes in French

Foundation Tier: Prefixes (Les préfixes)

A prefix is a group of letters added before a word to change its meaning.

🔹 Common French Prefixes:

in- / im-Not / Opposite ofPossible → Impossible (Possible → Impossible)
re-Again / BackFaire → Refaire (To do → To redo)
mal-Bad / WrongHeureux → Malheureux (Happy → Unhappy)
pré-Before / In advanceHistorique → Préhistorique (Historic → Prehistoric)
dé-Reverse / RemoveCharger → Décharger (To load → To unload)

💡 Tip: When in- comes before a word starting with "m" or "p", it changes to im- for easier pronunciation (e.g. possible → impossible).

Foundation Tier: Suffixes (Les suffixes)

A suffix is added at the end of a word to change its meaning or grammatical function.

🔹 Common French Suffixes:

-mentTurns an adjective into an adverbLent → Lentement (Slow → Slowly)
-eur / -euseSomeone who does somethingChanter → Chanteur (To sing → Singer)
-ableCan be done / Able to beLire → Lisible (To read → Readable)
-itéTurns an adjective into a nounCurieux → Curiosité (Curious → Curiosity)
-etteSmall version of somethingMaison → Maisonnette (House → Small house)

💡 Tip: Many adverbs in French end in -ment, similar to English adverbs ending in -ly (e.g. rapidement = quickly).

Higher Tier: More Advanced Prefixes and Suffixes

Higher-tier students should recognise more complex prefixes and suffixes to improve vocabulary.

🔹 Advanced Prefixes:

anti-AgainstGuerre → Antiguerre (War → Anti-war)
co-Together / WithOpérer → Coopérer (To operate → To cooperate)
auto-Self / By itselfBiographie → Autobiographie (Biography → Autobiography)

🔹 Advanced Suffixes:

-ismeDoctrine / Belief systemCapital → Capitalisme (Capital → Capitalism)
-if / -iveAdjective formActif → Active (Active → Active [feminine])
-isteSomeone who follows a beliefSocial → Socialiste (Social → Socialist)

💡 Tip: Recognising suffixes like -isme or -iste can help identify political or philosophical terms (e.g. socialisme, touriste).

Using Ordinal Numbers in French

Ordinal numbers indicate the position of something in a sequence (e.g. first, second, third).

Foundation Tier: Basic Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers in French are formed by adding -ième to the cardinal number. The first few are irregular.

🔹 Ordinal Numbers 1-10:

1stPremier / PremièreLe premier jour (The first day)
2ndDeuxième / Second(e)La deuxième rue (The second street)
3rdTroisièmeLa troisième fois (The third time)
4thQuatrièmeLe quatrième étage (The fourth floor)
5thCinquièmeLe cinquième livre (The fifth book)
6thSixièmeLa sixième année (The sixth year)
7thSeptièmeLa septième place (The seventh place)
8thHuitièmeLe huitième étage (The eighth floor)
9thNeuvièmeLa neuvième position (The ninth position)
10thDixièmeLe dixième exercice (The tenth exercise)

💡 Irregular forms:

  • Premier / Première (first) is irregular.
  • "Second(e)" is used instead of "deuxième" only when there are only two options.

Higher Tier: Advanced Ordinal Numbers

🔹 Ordinal Numbers 11-100:

21stVingt et unième

💡 Numbers ending in -e drop the "e" before adding -ième

  • Quatre → Quatrième
  • Neuf → Neuvième

Ordinal Numbers in Context

Ordinal numbers are commonly used for:

  • Le premier janvier (The first of January)
  • Le deuxième jour (The second day)

✅ Floors of a building:

  • J’habite au troisième étage. (I live on the third floor.)

✅ Competitions & Rankings:

  • Elle est arrivée en première place. (She finished in first place.)

✅ Lists & Instructions:

  • Lisez le deuxième paragraphe. (Read the second paragraph.)

Summary Table: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Ordinal Numbers

Prefix (Negative)Possible → Impossible
Prefix (Repetition)Faire → Refaire
Suffix (Adverb)Lent → Lentement
Suffix (Profession)Chanter → Chanteur
Ordinal Number (1st)Premier / Première
Ordinal Number (10th)Dixième

Key Tips for GCSE Exams

✅ Recognise prefixes and suffixes to understand unfamiliar words.
✅Remember irregular ordinal numbers like premier and neuf → neuvième.
✅Practise ordinal numbers with dates and rankings.
✅Use suffixes like -ment to form adverbs (e.g. rapide → rapidement).

By mastering prefixes, suffixes, and ordinal numbers, you will significantly improve your French vocabulary and accuracy! 🎯

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