French: The Imperative
To give instructions and orders, you need to use a form of the verb known as the imperative.
If you are addressing a person with tu, use the tu form of the present tense of the verb, but
without tu. With –er verbs you must also take off the –s. For example:
• Prends la première à droite.
Take the first on the right.
• Continue tout droit.
Go straight on.
If you are addressing a person / people with vous, use the vous form of the present tense, but without the vous. For example:
• Mangez bien!
Eat well!
• Continuez à travailler.
Carry on working.
The nous form of the present tense without the nous means ‘let’s’ do something. For example:
• Jouons au tennis.
Let’s play tennis.
If you want to tell someone not to do something, put ne…pas around the verb.
For example:
• Ne parle pas.
Don’t talk.
• Ne parlez pas la bouche pleine.
Don’t talk with your mouth full.