L’Allemagne - Germany
L’Angleterre - England
L’Australie - Australia
L’Autriche - Austria
La Belgique - Belgium
Le Canada - Canada
La Chine - China
Le Danemark - Denmark
L’Écosse - Scotland
L’Espagne - Spain
Les États-Unis - The United States / USA
La France - France
La Grande-Bretagne - Great Britain
La Grèce - Grece
L’Inde - India
L’Irlande - Ireland
L’Italie - Italy
Le Japon - Japan
Le Pakistan - Pakistan
Les Pays-Bas - The Netherlands / Holland
Le pays de Galles - Wales
Le Portugal - Portugal
La Russie - Russia
La Suisse - Switzerland
When you are talking about going to different countries, there are different ways to say ‘to’ or ‘in’, depending on whether the country is masculine, feminine or plural.
Masculine countries take au. For example: Montréal se trouve au Canada. Montreal is (situated) in Canada.
Feminine countries take en. For example: Nous allons en Italie. We’re going to Italy.
Plural countries take aux. For example: Je rêve d’aller aux États-Unis. I dream of going to the United States.
Islands tend to take à. For example: Je veux aller à Lanzarote. I want to go to Lanzarote.
These videos show you the vocabulary for the countries of the world and how to pronounce them
Countries A - F
Countries G - N
Countries O - Z