The Whitechapel, c.1870-c.1900 Crime and Punishment section for GCSE History. Topics include: Historical Enquiry Using Sources, Information, and Evidence, Housing, Overcrowding and Crime in Whitechapel, Immigration and its Impact on Whitechapel, Investigating and Recording Whitechapel, National Sources: Investigating and Recording Whitechapel, Policing in Whitechapel in the Late 19th Century, The Metropolitan Police by the Late 19th Century and The Whitechapel Murders and Jack the Ripper. Click on the links below.
- Historical Enquiry Using Sources, Information, and Evidence
- Housing, Overcrowding and Crime in Whitechapel
- Immigration and its Impact on Whitechapel
- Investigating and Recording Whitechapel
- Jack the Ripper and The Whitechapel Murders
- National Sources: Investigating and Recording Whitechapel
- Policing in Whitechapel in the Late 19th Century
- The Metropolitan Police by the Late 19th Century