The Bible Religious Studies Quick Fire Quiz
Test your knowledge of The Bible with this Quick Fire Quiz.
This quiz consists of 4 questions. Click on the Answer button to reveal the answer.
Why do many Christians read the Bible every day?
Christians Study it to help them understand the key points and background of their faith
They believe God speaks to them through his words
It gives them guidance about how to live their life
It helps them to focus prayer
What do fundamentalists believe about the origins of the Bible?
They believe God inspired the words of the Bible so it cannot contain any errors and that the Bible is entirely the word of God.
Describe how the Bible is used in public worship.
The bible is read out loud so people can hear the word of God and forms the basis for the sermon.
The Psalms are often used to form hymns or prayers.
“The Bible tells Christians what to do in every situation in their lives.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about different points of view.
There are many rules that are given for people to follow (e.g. on divorce), and if the rules are not clear then there are clear principles to follow (e.g. the Sanctity of Life tells us how to respond to modern issues about life and death.
Jesus’ teaching can be confusing – e.g. in Mark it says ‘no divorce’, in Matthew divorce is allowed in the case of adultery.
Jesus did not teach on modern issues such as cloning.
People can twist principles to fit their beliefs.